Chapter 10

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Delilah POV

Ever wonder what you can achieve in three days?

I wouldn't know since I spent the three days locked in my room, asleep.

I can't believe I slept for three days.

It's like a freaking seventy-two hours.

Long story short, something was wrong with the cheeseburger I ate and I fell really ill. It's kinda unfair cause Rowan was completely healthy and I was not. 

The advantage of the last few days was that my brothers did everything I wanted them to do. They were my personal servant for those long horrifying days. 

On the other hand, Lennox brought me a little pastel colourful alpaca as a get-well-soon gift.

It was really cute.

I would've thanked him but I wasn't awake long enough to speak.

Speaking of which, I didn't eat anything for three days.

I think I'm going crazy.

Roman gave me a tour of my life in this mansion the first day I was here, but I've already forgotten about where each room is located.

The only rooms I remembered were the movie room, the library, the kitchen, my room and the music room.

Since I was bored, I decided to go to the library.

I think I might have overestimated my memory skills. I'm sensing someone with skilled issue right now.

Sighing, I wandered around until I found a door to a room that my dory fish memory had not seen before.

I shrugged to myself and pushed open the door.

Unicorns and fairies flew out as a wolf chased them from behind.

I'm just kidding.

I really want a pet wolf though. Is that even legal?

I entered the dark room without much curiosity and turned on the light.

"Holy shit." I breathed when I saw what was inside.

Glass cases and guns.

"What on earth?" I mumbled to myself as I walked around.

Someone's a huge fan of guns.

The room was surrounded with glass cabinets with guns inside. In the middle of the room sat a large round table where papers scattered on it.

Someone should also learn how to be organised.

As I walked towards the table, I noticed a file that stood out. Stupid files had to just catch my attention.

Curiosity kills a cat, I flipped through the papers.

"They're in a gang." I whispered to myself after a few minutes.

It all makes so much sense now. The money, the tattoos, the... basically everything!

How was I so blind?

I placed the file down. It wasn't really an interesting file. Mostly about this traitor who's been giving information to the Russian mafia.

You're probably wondering how the hell I'm so chill right now.

Honestly, it's a lot to explain. I've never met an actual gang or mafia before but I've faced something way worse than these things.

Something I've never wanted to go through again.

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