Chapter 26

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Lennox POV

Liking someone is a really weird feeling.

Dean and Mingze made me go to a blind date once. They say that if I didn't know the other person, I would have less expectations from them and I can easily vibe with them.

They lied.

Delilah though... she's the first person who I can vibe with without trying. She makes it so easy to be comfortable around her, even when we just sit in silence sometimes.

I don't know why but I look forward to seeing her every day. I love to listen when she rants. I can't wait for her random questions and suggestions that pop into her head. I love her smile- hell, I love the sound of her laugh.

The little things about her reminds me that there's a reason for me to fight to live. Not survive, but live.

Sitting in the pool with her in my arms and she joked about with Ming was the best thing I was experiencing and enjoying.

Until she appeared. My fucking cousin.

Don't get me wrong, I love her. Well, I used to. Until she turned her back on me- on our family

The moment I felt her presence in the empty kitchen, I whirled around.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I seethed.

I was having mixed emotions. Fear and anger.

Draya only smiled. "Hello, cousin."

I wanna fucking punch her.

She kept her lazy smile as she walked towards me slowly, taking the time of her life.

"Tangling up and warming our beloved enemy's bed?" she chuckled. "You're brave, I gotta give you that."

I scoffed. "Yeah, and what about you?"

"Oh that dumb boy." she smirked. "He was the one who invited me. For a hacker in a freaking mafia, I'd thought he would be smarter."

"But you," she chuckled humorously. "Dad would love to punish you in ways you'll never imagine."

"My dad's dead." I seethed, stalking across the kitchen.

Without thinking, I shoved her, causing her to stumble backwards. She blinked, already expecting my actions.

"Dad's fucking dead." I burst, closing my fingers into a fist. "He's not our dad. He's not my dad. He killed my dad."

I was close to screaming and breaking down.

A stupid smirk appeared on her face. "C'mon, cous. Hit me." she challenged, knowing full well I fucking won't.

It wasn't because she's my cousin. Nor was it because I don't hit girls- well, I don't, but this bitch is another level. I knew if I laid a finger on her, I'll been dead. And I'll die suffering.

I wanted to punch her, to let my anger out on her for all she's done to me, but I couldn't. Not yet. Not when I've just found something to live for.

Someone to live for. I've found my anchor and I'm not letting her go any time soon.

"FUCKING HIT ME." she screamed in my face.

Without warning, a fist swung in my direction and I stumbled backwards, trying to catch my footing.

"Hit me!"

And I almost did.

"Is everything alright?" a deep voice asked- demanded.

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