Chapter 32

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Solace POV

Three days, five hours, thirty-five minutes and fifteen seconds

Well, no sixteen and seventeen and eig-

I opened the door to the infirmary quietly, only to find my little sister asleep on the chair next to one of the many beds.

Her fingers intertwined with Lennox's, his arms folded in front of her, her head rested on top of her arms.

Lennox, still passed out and unconscious on the bed, had multiple tubes on his body, connecting to the blood and water bag hanging next to his bed. He was currently shirtless since we couldn't get him into a shirt, not with all the bandages around his abdomen and arm.

Good thing was, Stefano decided to not cuff him to the bed in the end.

It's been three days since the surgery and he has yet to wake up. My sister has been by her side since, not leaving her spot except when she needed to go to the bathroom.

Even then, it took us a lot of convincing to get her moving.

Mingze has finally left the mansion as he has to meet his extended side of his family.

"Delilah," I said softly as I approached the sleeping girl. "Sorellina, you need to eat something."

She stirred awake, her fingers tightening against her boyfriend's.

"Len?" she mumbled, sitting up slowly and rubbing her eyes.

"No, sweetheart, it's Solace."

"Oh." I sighed, finally meeting my gaze. "I'm not hungry."

"It's been almost a day since you ate, Deli." I mumbled. "You need to get something down your stomach or you're gonna be sleeping next to him on the bed next."

I think it's too early to make jokes like this.

"But if he wakes up-"

"I'll call you right away." I promised.

She sighed, still unsure.

"Go." I told her. "Bring something over to see or whatever."

"Why can't you bring it for me?"

"Cause you gotta move your fatass once in a while." I rolled my eyes.

"If he wakes up-"

"I'll call you, I swear."

She finally nodded and left after looking back for another few seconds.

I looked at the unconscious boy on the bed.

According to google, people who's in a deep coma can't hear or respond to what other people says.

More reason to talk to this idiot since he's not in a deep coma and apparently I've read books where the main character in coma can hear what other people says.

Shit doesn't add up but whatever. Ever since Maxwell's pool party, I've been getting closer to Lennox, I don't even know why.

I think he reminds me of this boy I used to babysit a long time ago before I became 2nd in command for our mafia.

He's kind of like a younger brother now. One that isn't like any of the younger siblings I have.

"Listen here, you little bitch." I narrowed my eyes on him. "You better wake up soon because you're hurting my sister by sleeping in this stupid bed. I don't like to see my sister being sad so you better wake up soon before I blow up your-"

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