Chapter 57

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WARNING : Sappy chapter that you might not wanna read on CHRISTMAS 


I think I fucked up.

Stefano is now having trust issues with my friends- I don't blame him- and it's getting really frustrating.

After dinner, we had all gathered in the Planning Room, deciding and agreeing on our next moves. We were all present, except for Ru and Ki, for obvious reasons and plus, they were playing with Moldy.

"..And Theodore?" Sol sighed.

"I took care of him." I said and left it at that

I appreciated my brothers not pushing for more details.

"We plan separately." Stefano spoke up at last. "We share our plans with KC and the others, but we have our own side plan."

"Stefano-" I started.

"That's the deal, Delilah. I'm not risking anything. Especially not all of your safety." he looked at us one by one.

"He has a point, Del." Dean added in. "No offence, Ming, I know KC is your cousin and all-"

"All good." Ming gave him a comforting smile.

I wasn't happy with what they're plotting and planning, but I stayed silent because planning and plotting ain't really my thing- unless I'm physically there, planning with the adrenaline.

It was about 11.50pm when they were done with the whole planning. They were tired from all the thinking but me? I was tired from doing nothing and hearing them argue.

At last, Solace clapped his hands and all attention turned towards him. "Lennox has an announcement."

Lennox, seated next to me, gave Solace a deadly look.

"What is it?" I asked, speaking for the first time in hours.

Sol leaned back and crossed his arms, looking at Len challengingly. "Go ahead. Tell them. Tell her." his eyes fell onto me.

Is it just me or are we getting a bad feeling right now?

"Tell me what?" I looked at Len.

My boyfriend looked at anyone but me. "I won't be joining you with this mission." he said slowly, his jaw ticking.

"Uh, no offence, but like Len, the..well, new you is like a really good fighter. We could really use you." Maxwell chuckled slightly.

"I know...but.." he looked at Sol who nodded. "I'm going after Ivanov."

For a moment, we were all trying to process.

"Okay. A little change of plans then. Len, you'll take Squad D with you-"

"No." Len shook his head. "I meant I'm going after him. Alone."

Another minute of us processing. Then a second after that minute, we all spoke at once.

"No you're not." I said quietly, but somehow my voice silenced everyone.

Len closed his eyes and swallowed, opening them again. This time, his deep brown eyes looked at me. "Yes I am, Del."

"No." I shook my head.


"It's a suicide mission, buddy." Ming spoke.

"And you planned it with Solace before you speak to me?" I asked, feeling a little jealous.

Not the time but it still hurts.

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