Chapter 24

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I think someone broke my brothers.

They're having someone over our mansion and they didn't tell me until an hour before!

Apparently, Stefano has come fam-friends/alliance coming over for dinner. He didn't think to tell me that earlier. Neither did he think to tell me that they were staying over for the time being.

I want to kill that bitch right now!

They have the audacity to tell me all this stuff last minute and tell me I'm not invited for dinner! How could they?

It's for the grown ups, Silas had said.

I wanna mock him so badly right now.

Roman and Rowan were out at someone's house partying and Max was at his friend's house.

"Apparently environmental study is part of chemistry," I told Jox as I fixed my hair into a messy bun.

Yup. You heard me right. I'm calling my favourite cop from california.

It's been a long while since we talked. I miss my non-biological brother too.

"No shit, Sherlock." Jox snorted. "There's a reason why it's called environmental chemistry."

"Dean calls it the study of nature's bitch."

I paused when Jox didn't reply. Instead, I found him smiling proudly at me through the screen.

"What?" I asked, shying away from him.

He shook his head with a small smile. "I'm so proud of you, Lilah. You've grown so much. You have friends now! Hell, you even have a boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes. "...yet."

"Careful, Lilah, you're sounding like a normal girl now.' Jox teased playfully.

"Mm. Never."

"How are your brothers treating you?"

I exhaled. "They're surprisingly really really nice and caring." I answered honestly. "I think there's still a lot I don't know about them but I think I'm happy, Jox."

"You deserve to be, kid. You've been through enough pain."

I love Jox.

We continued talking about everything, catching up on each other's lives for a few hours before we finally said goodbye and ended the call.

I don't think I've ever said this but I'm so glad he found me that night.

Halfway through watching Supernaturals, I felt really thirsty. I reached for my bottle, only to find it empty again.

Stefano said I'm not supposed to leave my room but he can't expect me to die from thirst...can he?

Pausing my show, I put on my fluffy slippers and exited my room, in hunt for more water.

I got to the kitchen without any problem. I heard laughter and talking coming from the door nearby that leads to the dining room.

I swear I even heard kids' voices. I must be hallucinating.

I went into the kitchen and refilled my bottle.

I was about to leave when someone burst into the kitchen with a string of beautiful curses. I recognized the language right away.

Looking up, I saw a face I didn't know I'd see for a long time.

"Who the fuck are you?" the boy snarled at me, his japanese accent heavy as he spoke.

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