Chapter 28

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Lennox POV

I think pain is my drug.

I don't think I can ever feel pain as pain anymore.

Not after the years I've had since I was six.

I stared blankly at the men in front of me. They tied me to a chair. A freaking chair!

My arms were behind my back, my ankles tied around the feet of the chair. Blood trailed down my left temple from where they cut me with their knives. Bruises were no doubt forming on my face. My nose was bloodied, but thankfully, not broken...yet.

Somehow, I still don't feel the pain.

"You know," Ivanov started with his cold smirk, his russian accent thick and all. "You had one job. One. And you can't even do that properly. I should just kill you."

"Why don't you." I said without much emotion.

While his expressions were cold and evil, mine was tired.

I was tired of him using me as a punching bag. I was tired of spying and killing for him.

"I'm tempted to." he shrugged. "You're no longer the heir, seeing that your cousin is doing so much better. I have no use for you in my mafia. Hell, you're fucking around with the princess."

"I don't belong to you."

My head whipped to the side at the sudden impact of his fist. Blood dripped out from my torn lips. I licked my lips, tasting my blood on my tongue.

I smiled.

"Wanna try that again? My jaw isn't broken yet." I taunted.

He snarled and dragged a knife down my arm, creating a long line where blood started flowing out.

I only laughed.

"You should know, you've been abusing me and beating me up since I was a kid. My body is immune to your fucking torture." my voice rising at each word.

I exhaled slowly when he stabbed the knife onto my thigh. I didn't really feel the pain. Well, not yet anyway.

It was deep so obviously I'm not that immune to pain. It's gonna hurt like hell afterwards but I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of it.

"Delilah will turn her back on you. She will turn her back on you just like how the world turned its back on you."

I swallowed, still not giving him the satisfaction he wants. Deep down, I knew she would. I mean- everyone turns their back on me.

I shouldn't believe his words either but I can't help it

"My pretty heir, what should we do with this bitch?" Ivanov asked without turning back.

I scoffed when Draya stepped forwards with the pathetic smile of hers.

"Kill him." she answered without much hesitation.

Draya and I used to be close. Hell, she was my best friend eleven years ago. Now, she's just a stranger I didn't recognise.

I felt a stab of betrayal through my heart. I shouldn't even care. Why do I care?

The Russian don gestured and a young boy stepped forward. "I want him dead. And leave a message for the girl."

"Playing fire with fire." the boy said with a playful grin.

Ivanov didn't waste any second in my apartment more than he needed to. He and his man stalked off, leaving me with the boy no much older than me.

The second the door closed, the playfulness dropped from the boy's expression.

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