Chapter 49

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"I just urgh- I feel like punching someone!" Dory stressed.

It's been a few hours since we left his place and went to mine. Ming and Max both stayed back at Dory's, both for different reasons, might I add.

Ming's spending some time with KC, I think they're going back to Ming's afterward, I'm not sure.

My brother, on the other hand, has a slight crush on Tridy- which is gross, btw, like ew- I guess this is how he feels when I'm with a boy huh. He's staying to take care of the kids with her.

The door to my room was slightly open because Solace walked past on purpose, giving Dory the death glare.

I don't think my brothers like him very much.

For the past few minutes, Dory's been stressing over the truth he had hidden from KC for the past few months. He was pacing non-stop in front of my bed, ranting about how everything's so fucked up.

"Dory, I love you, but I swear on my name, if you don't stop pacing, I'm going to feed you to the crocodile called Marvin."

He stopped immediately, offering me a thoughtful look. "There's actually a crocodile named Marvin?"

Hey, at least I distracted him from his guilt for a while.

"No." I deadpanned. "But it wouldn't hurt to go find out at the zoo."

"Okay, chill, no need to piss on your pants." he grumbled.

I narrowed my eyes on him. "Say that again." I challenged.

"Oh c'mon you can't be grumpy for-"

I sat up from my lying position and stormed out of my room. Okay I'm not trying to be petty- maybe a little.

A thought just occurred to me when he said he wanted to punch someone.

"Delilah." Dory groaned as he jogged after me.

"Shut up." I mumbled as I speed walked to the other side of the mansion.

Dory followed anyway, despite his complaining. "Where are we going??" he whined.

I halted, whirling around to smack him on the chest. "Stop being a baby and follow me." I scolded.

He held his head down like a kid who got caught for stealing candies early in the morning. "Sorry."

We made it down to the cells where Solace kept his prisoners and I guided my bestie to the last room.

"Am I grounded- I think I'd prefer being grounded in a room instead of places like-"

I spun around and glared at him.

"Okay, sorry, mom." he mocked, holding his hands up in surrender.

I feel like stepping his foot. And I did.

"OW what was that for!" he scowled as he bounced slightly, shaking off the non-existence pain dramatically.

"Aw did you hurt you booboo." I pouted.

"Fuck off." 

He changed a lot from the last time we were together. He used to be a baby who thought the curses we used are a more polite was to speak to someone. He used to be so innocent!

"What happened to you, man." I mumbled a little too loud.

"I grew up." He stated proudly. "I guess that what will happen if someone messes up your brain for years."

We fell silent as we stopped in front of the very last door. Two guards were positioned outside, their guns resting next to them.

"Delilah." They greeted at the same time with a slight tilt of their heads.

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