Chapter 34

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My brother decided that it was a good idea to bring me to a college frat party.

A party where I didn't know anyone. Why did I even agree to this?

Rowan got us a cup of..something heavy with alcohol. "Live a little, sorellina." he yelled at me over the music.

I sniffed the drink and my eyes watered up at the smell. "Geez, what is this?"

"Something for you to forget." he winked.

He pulled me along into the large house, wiggling our way past the river of humans.

Disco lights blinked in and out from one colour to another. Loud pop songs were played from a speaker somewhere. People inside the house were either dancing or making out.

I scrunch my nose at the smell of the house. I've never been to a frat party.

Rowan brought me over to a group of people by the couch.

The boys and girls grinned up to Rowan, some bro-hugging him in greetings. The girls all had cups of drink in their hand while they snuggled up close to the boys.

"Friends, meet my sister."

The redhead girl was the first one to react. She squealed as she got up, throwing her hands around me, hugging me.

"Eeek. Nice to meet you, I'm Rachel." she grinned.

Another blonde boy nodded up to me. "I'm Josiah."

One by one, the others introduced themselves.

I smiled at their kindness. "Delilah." I yelled over the thundering music.

Rowan took a seat next to Rachel so I sat next to him and on the other side of me was Josiah.

"You know, I went fishing with my grandpa the other day," Josiah started as he moved closer to me. "We caught a couple of fishes."


"Mm. Some of the fish were this big," he held his two hands parallel to each other in a small distance. "But there were fishes that were this big." he casually stretched his arm, putting them over my shoulder to show me.

Rowan scoffed and fling his arm away from my shoulder. "Back off, Jo. She has a boyfriend."

That caught many of his friend's attention.

"Oh?" Josiah raised his eyebrow but kept his distance respectfully.

"Yeah." I nodded proudly.

Then we started to play a game of truth and dare. I started feeling a little fizzy by the end of the game.

That was when I saw someone.

I squinted my eyes slightly, trying to focus on the figure on the other side of the room. He was staring at me. He was wearing an oversized black hoodie, his head slightly lowered, his hair falling into his eyes.

Our eyes connected. He looked so much like-

"Matteo?" I whispered.

I told Rowan I'll be back in a short while before heading in the direction of where the boy stood. I pushed my way past the crowd and when I got to the other side of the room, the boy was no longer there.

Looking around, I tried to find him again but got no luck. Weird.

Shaking my head, I headed outside to get another drink.

I must be seeing things now.

Getting used to the burn of the alcohol sliding down my throat, I gobbled down threw cups before getting the fourth. I was stumbling a little by the time I finished the fourth cup.

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