Chapter 39

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I stayed close to him as we headed back to the ballroom. I am not letting him out of my sight tonight.

We only made it halfway when Len halted suddenly, causing me to collide into him.

Without any warning, he pulled us behind a pillar. His hands covered my lips before I could demand what was wrong.

Then I heard it. Gunshots. The sound of the gunshots sent a cold shiver down my spine.

A short blur of moments on my left caught my attention.

I pressed myself further into Len when I saw more men landing on the garden. I could feel Len's heart beating out of his chest.

Then I realised we were surrounded.

Blurry shadows and movements were coming from everywhere. A few more minutes and we'll be spotted.

I felt Len's lips on my ears. "We have to make a run for it." he whispered shortly.

I shook my head. If we make a run for it, there's a high chance I'm losing him. If somehow- somehow Jonathon is behind all this, I didn't want to be caught alone.

I didn't want to know what would happen if I was alone.

"Deli, either we run for it and take our chances or we get spotted and probably get killed too." Len said calmly.

We only have a few seconds left.

Towards the ballroom, I could hear shoutings and shootings. Running towards the place was a no. I reached towards my only dagger that's strapped to my left calf. I tugged on Len's sleeves and he snapped his attention to me.

"Don't die, okay?"

My boyfriend laughed and kissed me. "When we survive today, let's buy a caravan and visit all the beaches in the world."

"I'd like that." I grinned.

With a deep breath, I started sprinting as fast as my heels allowed me to. I didn't have to look back to know that Len was behind me. I could feel his presence.

Despite having so many pillars, the figures still spotted us. I ignored the panic bubbling inside me as I zigzagged my way towards the other door.

I think I'm quite a pro already, running this fast with the freaking heels on.

I spoke too soon. 

I missed the crack on the floor and it threw me off balance. Len's hands were pulling me up frantically as he yelled for me to get up. I got up but felt a sharp pain on my right ankle.

I grunted in pain but forced myself to keep moving.

We were outnumbered and weaponless.

When we got close to the nearest door, I threw myself inside and Len did the same a second later. He got up quickly and slammed shut the large double doors. The bullets were still coming at us on the other side but for now, we have a few moments.

"Deli." my boyfriend panted as he slid down next to me.

I pushed my dress aside and pulled out my heels. I winced in pain as Len helped me with my right.

"It's not broken." he mumbled. "Just twisted. Can you walk?"

I chuckled, wiping the tear that escaped my eyes. "Do I have a choice?"

There was blood on my fingers.

Sensing my confusion, Len inspected my arms. "It's just a graze."

Huh. I didn't even feel the pain.

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