Chapter 16

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"Give it a break, Rom." I groaned.

My head is hurting from all the nonsense he's giving me.

"I'm just stating facts." my brother shrugged.

I waved to a random girl as if I knew her before continuing walking, my brother beside me.

Rom was bored so he decided that I'm a good person to accompany him to the mall because I listened to his shit-talking about everyone and everything.

Plus, he loves to judge.

"No one puts the milk before cereal." I stressed.

I'm having brain damage speaking to him.

"You put the milk first!" he insisted. "That way the cereal wouldn't be soft and soggy when you eat it."

"It wouldn't get soggy so quickly! It's logical, Rom."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Huh. I didn't think you can think with logic."

I had to go on my tipy toes to smack him on the back of his head.

He ducked away easily with a laugh. "Short."

"Giant." I grumbled, pacing beside him again. "I can't believe you're all above 6ft."

"It's called good genes," he shrugged. "You're like what- five foot three?"

I scowled at him again. "Five foot five, idiota."

"Still below six."

"It's not the same."

"Whatever you say." he smirked.

Then I felt it.

"Rom." I whispered, halting. "Can we go to a pharmacy?"

"You need a pregnancy test?" he joked with an eyebrow raised.

I frowned. "I hope not."

Five minutes later, I walked down the medical aisle, trying to look for pads and tampons.

"Oh gods, you could've told me this." Roman mumbled as he realised. "Pads and that thing. How nice. Now you made me look like your boyfriend."

"You can wait outside if you want."

I'm trying to look for my go-to tampons.

"What's the deal with these anyway?" my brother continued as he inspected the pads. "How do you know what size to buy? Does it base on the size of know."

"No." I deadpanned. "It depends on the flow."

"What flow?"

"Blood, dipshit. Don't they teach you this in school?"

"I dunno. Half of the time, I'm daydreaming about running shirtless into the teacher's office to see their reaction."

"You're so weird."

I found my go-to tampons and quickly went to pay.

"On me." my brother said immediately and pulled out his card before I even got my purse.

I glared at him. He's like Maxwell number 2!

"Wait for me." I warned my brother before rushing into the girls toilet.

Once, I went shopping with Solace and he left me at the mall. He completely forgot about me until Silas asked about his day with me at dinner. I wasn't even home for dinner that night

I got lost and somehow ended up in Dean's house. It was the best night of my life.

I exited the bathroom a few minutes later to see Roman talking to the random girl I waved to.

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