"Did you put your name in?"

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"Oh crap chuuya it's already 4:30 I need to head back to my common room" dazai said, turning the corner

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"Oh crap chuuya it's already 4:30 I need to head back to my common room" dazai said, turning the corner

"Okay, I think i would do the same see you in at breakfast, also we have divination and potion together so that will be fun" the ginger said sarcastically 

At these words Chuuyas turned back into a cat and swiftly ran to the gryfyndoor common room

As Dazai got to the glass he whispered"Lemon juice"the invisible door opened and he crept into the common room. Sure enough everyone was sleeping, he grabbed the books on how to do magic and finished both of then by 5:30, by this time he decided it would be okay to wait in the common room.

The first to wake up was Blaise

"Where were you" he asked suspiciously 

"What are you talking about" Dazai asked innocently

"I woke up in the middle of the night to find your bed empty" blaise said

"I was in the bathroom"

"That's why I woke up"

"I was fighting satan with an army of scaly pigeons and a herd of blood thirsty porcupines, wanting to avenge that one hot cashier at McDonald's after she was given her a quarter less of what the manager usually pays her."

Blaze rolled his eyes, tapping his foot on the ground and looking down at Dazai  expectingly

"I was exploring the hogwarts grounds" Dazai sighed

"You do know that hours end at 11:00" Blaise said, crossing his arms

"What? no" dazai said white lies, they don't hurt anyone.

"Well maybe you should've listened to Dumbledors speech, or you could've use your two brain cells and wondered why no one else was out" he said, crossing his arms

"Mm fine" Dazai said pausing "Well see you later Blaise I am going to breakfast"


The only people at breakfast were Crab, Goyle , some hufflepuff dudes, a Ravenclaw , Hermione and small groupe of Slytheryn girls that Pansy usually hangs out with. Steering him to the Gryffyndor table where Hermione and Chuuya sat chatting, he put a hand on Chuuyas shoulder, greeting both Gryffyndors

"Morning" He said casually, the two greeted him back

"I think Im going to put my name in, sounds like fun" Dazai said "Plus if theirs a chance I'll die then that just adds a bonus feature

"I probably will to" Chuuya said averting his eyes to his plateto avoid making eye contact with the taller

"Did you get any sleep in" Dazai whispered to Chuuya as hermione finished her slice of lemon tart

"Yeah, after you left I wrote a letter to mori.." the ginger paused, looking disgusted "Well, I didn't really write anything."

Dazai groaned 

"Yeah well Im going to go eat see you in potions, that is, if you decide to show up like a normal student" the ginger said, now making eye contact with Dazais eyes

"I will show up but dont expect me to pay attention" the brunette said 

"I would never"

Dazai skiped breakfast trying to avoid Blaise's eye, when, on the way to potions he bumped into professeur snape.

"Why hello professeur"dazai greeted playfully

"Hello, shouldn't you be at breakfast with the rest of the Slytheryns?"the greasy haired man asked suspiciously.

"I finished breakfast already"dazai lied

"Ah I see... If you want to be early wait outside my classroom...I prefer it when Im in the classroom, some stuff has been stolen lately" the man said cautiously

Snapes eyes were dark and unforgiving, with his greasy black hair and crooked nose he looked like someone who would be feared among the students, however, Snape did have a popular reputation for preferring his students over everyone else. Dazai is definitely using this to his advantage.But what did he mean by "Some stuff has been stolen from my office lately"

The next people to arrive were Draco, Crab and Goyle.Draco had a smug look on his face as per usual and was telling Crab and Goyle about something, spotting Dazais, he walked up to him

"I just put my name in the goblete, the goblete is sure to choose me because I have pure blood, make sure to applaud me during the tasks, have you put your name in the goblete yet?"

"Nope but im planning to"the brunette said "plus maybe I'll die during one of the tasks"

"Okay but dont get your hopes up... you are muggleborn after all"Draco replied, scoffing "and...don't joke like that, could get you in trouble"

"I know but its worth trying" Dazai said, ignoring Draco's last comment

"It's a shame that quittiche is canceled, father just bought me a new broom"

I wIsh tHat i cOuLD bE liKe tHE cOoL Kiz I need to stop lol

"Oh yeah which broom?" Dazai asked though he knew better than anyone that he didn't really care 

"Nimbus 2001, I was just telling Crab and Goyle about it" Draco replied smugly

"Im guessing the other players are dung compared to you" Dazai said 

"Haha yeah, especially the Gryffyndors and Hufflepuffs, amateurs. Say, do you have any experience on a broom Dazai?" The blonde asked

"mmm I played a little in my first and second year but then I quit due to breaking my broom" Dazai lied "end it really sucked because it was a borrowed broom, so I had to pay the person back after breaking it" Dazai said sheepishly 

I have nothing to say except i hope you enjoyed

-Sophie 🪸

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