The Rat!?

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The brunette lazily plopped down on a dark sage green sofa before opening his book bag and taking out his divination home work, the boy read the first two sentence's before  throwing the paper aside and reading a couple books that he stole from the restricted section of the library the night that he and chuuya arrived at hogwarts. Dazai was still looking for knowlage wizards may have on ability users such as himself, however, he has failed to acquire any information that could be of use for the PM. The brunette was still worried about Moody, if wizards did know about abilitie users than Moody would definely know, he was known for being overprotective of the ministry and he would also know the threat that came with Dazai and Chuuya being at Hogwarts.But of course he would notify Dumbledore immediately if he ever came to that conclusion.

"Have you even done any homework at your stay in hogwarts?" Pansy asked glaring a dazai, her beady eyes fixed upon the brunette

"Nah, I gave up on home work long ago- i told you that already" Dazai said flipping through page 47 of a book that's probably titles something like 'A book with spells in it that little to no wizards know about' he was now making eye contact with the scowling female

"You've only been here for 1 month" She said, still glaring at dazai, using his lack of academic participation as an excuse to be rude to him.

"Yeah well at least Im getting full marks in all of my tests so speak for yourself" the brunette stated, snapping his book shut

Pansy rolled her eyes, but at that moment the platinum blonde boy was walking towards the pair of them, he strolled into the room crab and Goyle at his heel as per usual. "Hello, Dazai, Pansy..I see you've finally tried to do some home work Dazai?" The blond said crossing his arms 

"Nah, I gave up remember?" Dazai replied 

The blonde rolled his eyes in annoyance. "If you weren't a slytheryn you wouldn't stand a chance in any of your classes, also I suggest that you be more polite, I am your superior " Draco warned

Dazai smirked.the boy would have been somewhat intimidating if he wasn't a scrawny teenager with a hairstyle that looks like it came right out of the 80s- oh yeah, and if Dazai hadn't worked with the port mafia for half of his life but the brunette just nodded, acting (and also exaggerating as if he were scared of Draco"Of course boss".

 "Good, Im heading to bed" Draco said, smoothing out his robes as he walked out of the common room and into the the boys dormitory "its getting late, I assume you should do the same". Moments after he left Pansy got up and strolled to the girls dorm, not saying a word.

Instead of going to the boys dorms as Draco suggested, Dazai waited for a bout an quarter of an hour when he heard the common room door open, a ginger cat with ocean blue eyes and black paws strolled into the room, a piece of parchement placed in its mouth.The night before, the night before the arrival of the Dermstrang ship and beau baton carrage he whispered into Dazais ear,  "I have information that may help us, tomorrow at 11:20 Ill be at the slytheryn common room during lunch, Dazai trusted that Chuuya knew the password, and he was right.

The ginger cat approached dazai quickly dropping the paper next to him and turning into a human, it looked like an ability in itself-him being able to do that "I dont want to stick around with you because your annoying , i wrote a letter explaining what info i got and how I got it, dont let Moody know that you have it, he thinks its in my hands " 

And just like that, chuuya turned back into a cat and exited the slytheryn common room, sprinting away with his tail in the air and ears folded back

In the letter their was a sample of potion, a note, a sample of hair in a ziplock bag and a piece of paper ripped from a book that was probably found in the restricted section of the library

Dazai began to read the paper.


If properly brewed, the Polly juice potion would allow the drinker to temporarily transform himself into the physical form of another.

Fill fortified leaded cauldron in with these ingredients:

12 lacewing flies

1oz of crude Antimony 

4 leeches (unsccudilated)

16 scruples of Fluxweed

3 drachmas of pulverized sal Ammoniac

Knotgrass blades, pulverized 

1 pinch of powdered horn of bicorn (lunar extracting)

Fillings and rasplings of Salpeter, mercury and mars

Shredded king of boomslang (desiccated)

Extract of the Transfigured be-to-be

Hravest the flu weed at moon full and soak in urine, add the lacewing flies by drachmun and the knotgrass, stir in the boomslang.Add salpeter to the cauldron to taste potion will have a mercuried  texture. Add leeches and strew for 21 days. Add all the remaining ingredients except the extract.

All this seemed pretty gross to Dazai but the main issue is why the hell in this imposter (Amung us!?) at hogwarts and what is his desire.The brunette then started to read the letter and he smiled at the handwriting he recognized as Chuuyas.

Im pretty sure that there is an imposter and that he is a death eater.Ron, hermione and harry told me about them.They support this guy named Voldemort that goes around killing people and stuff, he dosent have a body and is still alive by using dark magic. the wizarding community is really scared of him but if we do justice and kill the imposter, than well, were going to be expelled- and if so were going to have to talk with mori and the port mafia and that would really suck.. my point is that if this voldy guy figures out about us he's going to want us killed ...oh wait you want to die dont y'a? -But its still a bad way to die. And also, I think that there may be another anamagus at hogwarts, I saw a black rat with pink eyes whilst wandering the corridors and I don't think rats come in those color's.

the hair was just to annoy you if you were wondering and the potion is what it looks like... maybe visuals help? Burn the paper now that your done reading i dont want evidence that we both know about this


Dazai then threw the parchment in the fire place that was always a blaze, reflecting on what Chuuya had told him

I hoped you liked this chapter, see you in the next one

-Sophie 🥂

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