Do I know you?

413 6 15

.....................Warnings- Alcohol 🍷 and soukoku 🏳️‍🌈

I'll put the emoji's when needed also, new characters personality doesn't seem canon, it's a part of the plot (I just gave a huge spoiler didnt I?)

Chuuya narrowed his eyes at the newcomer. His icy blue eyes, his platinum blond hair that lay resting lazily on his shoulder. Did he know this person or not?

"Chuuya?" He said " Is that your name?" His voice started to crack and wither

Chuuya nodded, without saying anything, this person felt so familiar yet he didn't exactly remember who he was

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He stated "I I can't believe that I finally found you, and at Hogwarts of all places, how's life, little bro?" He laughed but Chuuya couldn't find the humor in his joke


"Good" he said with out really thinking "He was also a subject for the experiment wasn't he?" Chuuyas mind was racing, so many memories started fludding his brain it almost made it impossible to stand straight. He felt dizzy, incredibly dizzy yet his outer appearance didn't flicker. From the outside, he looked almost serene, every muscle in his body felt loose. And his body language made him seem like he wanted to have a discussion and socialize with Verlaine.

"It's been so long" Chuuya started "Im glad that you got to loosen up a bit you used to be..." He trailed off not really remembering what he used to be like. He felt like he was missing the parts of a very abstract puzzle forming in his brain.

"Why do you look so down?" He said giddishly, as he started hiccuping 

"Wait..."  Chuuya thought "is he tipsy?"  

"When was the last time you had alcohol?" Chuuya asked, backing away 

"Not to long ago, Arthur got his hands on some booze in the kitchen, those elves are fucking loaded with it"

"How much did you drink?" Chuuya asked, starting to wonder if what he was going to do was a smart choice or not

"Dunno want some?" He asked, straightening himself

"I really shouldn't-" Chuuya started but the older interrupted him "oh come on! It's been ages since we've talked and I wanna know how you've been doing! You looked pretty badass fighting the dragon with that brunette boy" he chuckled

"Verlaine, I still don't think this is a good idea" Chuuya insisted again "Im bad with alcohol and I want to start cutting back, I use it too much to distract myself"

"Oh come on, don't be like that! You can start cutting back later, and plus we won't become drunk, we're just gonna discuss how life's been while we have a drink, and you could tell me about these feelings, and I could give you some friendly advice."

"Oh fine" Chuuya said, finally giving up.

🍷Time skip

"So!" He said cheerfully "what do you prefer, we have wine, it's called- uhm- Louise" "Roederer" Chuuya suggested in a poor accent "are you sure you aren't drunk? you can read something that is ment to be spelled in your native language"

"NaH, I'll  be fine I'm just a shitty reader, Anyways we also have vodka but it has a Russian name so I'm not going to bother to pronounce that uhm we also have Boston Larger Larger beer and we used to have rose wine but Arthur smashed the bottle"

"I'll take the Louise wine" chuuya said and Verlaine poured him a glass 

"How's life?" Chuuya asked "Good, how's yours"

Chuuya noticed that Verlaine didn't always answer his questions yet always managed to ask him new ones, he also noticed that he seemed to always be fidgeting with a little glass vile that was worn as a necklace, tied around his neck with a silver chain. But, as the afternoon went one, he became more and more drunk and vulnerable and less and less perceptive.


"Anyways" Chuuya started "there's this guy in my year and he's fucking confusing" Chuuya said groggily "I've known him for a while now yet I still can't get a read on that dick head"

"Oh yea~ what's his name" Verlaine said narrowing his eyes

"Dazai fucking Osamu- the guy who never shows up on time"

"Speaking of which, good job to you two for fucking up that dragon, how'd you pull that off?"

"Osamu conjured up some plan and I followed- magic, abilities, we played with shit like that" He said flippantly, pouring himself another cup of wine. It overflowed and spilt onto the table.Verlaine payed no attention.

"Abilities?... what's yours again?" Verlaine asked.

"Gravity" Chuuya responded. For some reason, Verlaine didn't seem drunk anymore even if just downed an entire bottle of cider, which was for some reason not offered to Chuuya.

"Back to Osamu" Chuuya said, desperate to get his feelings of his chest "He's so manipulative, and he can twist my brain by just being himself but he's so..." he stopped and looked at the ceiling, making gestures with his hands. Trying to explain something that couldn't be said with words and then he started to tear up "I wanna help him so bad but he doesn't see him the way I do. He hurts himself and he sees himself as a monster.and then I see him and....can't do anything to help him. I think...I have feelings for him but how could I?" He said, trying not to stutter.

Verlaine stayed silent, staring at his own reflection in the spilled wine. "Ya like him?" He said bluntly 

"I mean...yes"Chuuya said sheepishly and he took a cigar and a lighter out of his pocket. Then he took a tissue from his pocket and blew his nose.

"Have you tried asking him out?" He asked once Chuuya had cleaned his face. 


"Have you tried discussing your feelings with him?"


"Have you tried hinting that you may like him through speech"


"Have you tried anything?"

"What'd you think?"

"Well then what do you two talk about?!"Verlaine asked, as he started to get more and more impatient with the lack of response 

"I don't know, we just bicker and projects" Chuuya said casually, slumping back into his chair as he took another sip of wine

"Uh huh, and why do you like this guy again?"

"Well I dunno, it's not my fault that I have shitty taste in men!Blame the motherfucker with the bow and arrow" 

"I think that you should stop running from your responsibilities and talk to the guy like the responsible person you aren't" 

"I think that you should go to collage(and also fuck you)"

"Have you seen how much dough they cost? Anyways, we're getting distracted I think that you should talk to him about it"

"Fine..." Chuuya said finally and Verlaine smiled. "What should I do then?"

Okay! Andddd that's a rap for this chapter! I honestly think that this once came out really well. Sorry for the wait but on a more positive note I'm happy to announce that I am officially on summer break where I live! So that means that I will have more time to write which means earlier updates! Yipieeee also happy late birthday to Dazai and I (19th and 11th) And as always, thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter. see you <3


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