Untitled Part 35

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Dazai briefly explain the situation, Chuuya watched silently, half concentrating on the brunets story, and half concentrating on the brunet himself.

"So" Chuuya said after a long pause "you think that Seamus was killed by our little rat friend" Chuuya concluded

"You are the only little one here Chuuya but yeah, duh" the taller said

"Shut your pie-hole you stupid worm!"

"How did I go from a fish to a worm" Dazai asked, his face stayed neutral but his tone had a hint of sarcasm and playfulness to it

"T̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶" Chuuya bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from roundhouse kicking Dazai 

"Chuuya" Dazai said quietly "Do you read American  News?" He asked reproachfully 

"What, no?" 

"Well now a days people are becoming a lot more excepting of lgbt communities, what do you think about it?"

"I support them...Dazai, where is this all coming from?" Chuuya asked as he took a seat on Dazais bed

"Well, you know, when you're bored and stuck in a room there are many things go think about" he said lightly, chuckling "and plus" he whispered "love is something so extraordinary that I want to learn as much as I can about it"

Chuuya noticed something dry about the way he was chuckling, it almost annoyed him how little Dazai told Chuuya about himself but Chuuya couldn't be mad at him.He would let Dazai tell him about himself when he was ready. It was also annoying how quickly Dazai could play with or change Chuuyas emotions: just a minute ago he was teasing him about being short and now he was asking him about something so dignified.

"Want me to come more often then?" Chuuya offered, not thinking about the potential cons to his offer

"Awwwww! Does my little dwarf in a hat care about me?" Dazai squealed wrapping his arms around Chuuyas waist and pulling his in for a hug 

Chuuyas fist was met with Dazai face in an instant. "Get your crusty bandaged hands off of me" Chuuya said. Dazai couldn't help but notice a rouge tint on his face

"Your so rude sometimes" dazai said dramatically, butting his hand over his heart and speaking in a tone that reminded Chuuya of Regina Gorge

Chuuya stayed silent, not sure what to say next so he didn't say anything, his eyes lingered to a crack in the wall, where the paint was chipping. He didn't know why but he felt extremely awkward talking to Dazai, alone in such a big room. Talking to Dazai was like talking to somebody that he felt he knew for so long but really knew for only so little time. He only saw Dazai as a colleague but he enjoyed the time he spent with the brunet so much.Chuuya knew he was bad at showing it, he didn't ever want to mentally hurt Dazai in any way possible. He struggled sharing his motions, he struggled with people especially with people as compelling as Dazai. He self-consciously realized the more time he spent with him he realized he wasn't as simple as an angsty teen... He was like like a puzzle with and infinite amount of pieces held in such a vile human corps, sometimes he even wondered what Dazai looked like crying 

His eyes lingered from the crack in the wall to the old wooden clock that hung a couple meters above Dazais bed

"I need to go now, don't forget to eat" Chuuya whispered, half of his mind focused on his thoughts and the other half focused on the time

"What" Dazai said, sounding startled

"I said," Chuuya repeated "that my evening been fabulously wasted so I think I'm gonna head out now" he said, grinning at Dazai

His grin reminded Dazai of the Cheshire Cat, but he could still se through it "well it's nice to know that we share a perspective on one thing" the brunet agreed "see ya, Puss in boots, lets meet up again next Sunday, their are some business related things that I have to tell you about"

Chuuya scowled at his colleage but didn't say anything until the door was completely closed "can't wait" he said in an almost wistful tone but what he didn't know was that Dazai could hear him through the door.

The brunette sadly smiled to himself, he watched Chuuya as the ginger stared at the crack in the chipped wall, his face held an expression that looked like a mixture of grief, confusion and adoration. Dazai wanted to know what Chuuya was thinking at that moment, it wasn't the first time that that expression was plastered on his face, he saw him hold that expression many times when talking to him and longed to know more.

Yaaay! I finally finished the chapter!


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