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The trios and duos decided that they would play rock-paper-scissors to determion who would pick the figurine from the bag, from dermstrang the picker wan Fyodor, from beau baton the picker was fleur and from hogwarts it was chuuya

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The trios and duos decided that they would play rock-paper-scissors to determion who would pick the figurine from the bag, from dermstrang the picker wan Fyodor, from beau baton the picker was fleur and from hogwarts it was chuuya.In the corner of the square room their was an elderly looking woman with a peacock quill that Chuuya nor Dazai recognized, she was violently scribilling down notes on a pink pad.

Fyodor went first, picking the Chinese fire ball. After her, their was Fleur whom, luckily for her and her team, got the welsh green (the easiest component) and lastly, Chuuya picked out the Hungarian Horntail. Victor smirked proving dazais theory was right)

« We are all going to die » Harry said under his breath 

The trail rated first was a fleurs de la courin Victor and his team, and lastly, Harry, Chuuya and Dazai the truest component, Leda waiting, behind it was a golden egg, the size of an average size trashcan, it rested in a pile of leaves, it was the first to attack sending multiple hits with its tail, Dazai and Chuuya easily dodged, but Harry wasn't as lucky, he sloppily dodged, and got a small cut on his back, if this kept going, it wouldn't end well for him.

Chuuya raised is wand "Oxio bullets" a few bullets came flying to him, he caught them easily and with is left hand while waving his wand with his right, making it look like he was preforming a spell he then threw the bullets, each one outlined in candy apple red, they created several gaping holes in the dragons side.Spewing out indigo liquid, the dragon roared sending a ball of fire towards chuuya, who dodged. Harry stood there paralyzed until he remembered what he was doing, he raised his wand yelling oxio broomstick but nothing appeared, he panicked and looked around for something to ease his panic but all he saw was chaos, he felt paralyzed : Chuuya and Dazai working together in sync, Chuuya was still throwing-whatever he was throwing it seemed to do a good amount of damage to the dragon, making it weaker and angrier by the second but even so, the beast stayed fixed in its original position, not daring to back away from its precious egg.

The minute Dazai stepped on the dragon was the moment that harry thought Dazai was done for but instead the dragon started to swerve its head Chuuya ran towards the egg dodging another swipe of the tail from the beast but this time, the swipe wasn't fierce or mortal, it was lazy, sloppy even.The ginger even was able to get a good kick in, before he realized it the dragon was on the floor coated with a light blue mist only someone with very good eyes could see if they weren't right next to the dragon. As the beast fell over Harry saw Chuuya and Dazai bickering

"Look who wanted to show off, you looked really tacky you know" Dazai sighed

"At least I did my job, you just stepped on the dragons tail and then walked away' Chuuya shot back

"I did what was necessary' Dazai retorted

Yaaaay action Im kind of bad at it but I think that this time in came out pretty well, sorry for any grammar mistakes and for not posting in a while and I'll try to add more of the ship soukoku if you guys like that... please comment any suggestions in the comment section I dunno what to write but I promise that I will finish this fan fic the reason that these chapters take so long to come out is because I really prioritize my grades and I spend most of the weekends studying none the less I will continue to post as regularly as I can.


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