Crab and Caesar salade

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Chuuya pov

Chuuya tensed upon seeing the sight of Seamus laying dead on the floor, he was easily carried by the wave of shoving people witch made it hard to see the corps but what really interested him was the writing on the wall. "Hush or your next" He gritted his teeth he had a nagging feeling it had something to do with the stolen manga, but Dazai was still in the hospital wing and Chuuya hadn't done anything. he could see Ron frantically looking around for him but he didn't want to be questioned about the manga so he quietly set off back to his common room.

On Chuuyas way back he saw Snape, he didn't think much of it at first.I was considered quite normal for student to run into their teachers while wondering the hallways.


Chuuya turned, puzzled "what is it Sir?"

The older sighed, his back still facing the smaller. "Do me a favor" he said in a intractable tone 

"What kind of favor?" The younger questioned

Snape hesitated "At 11:40 I want you to go up to the hospital wing with a tray of food, bring something that Dazai would like.Im sorry that apologize I had to ask you to do this, I would ask a fellow Slytheryns but I failed to find Blaise"

Chuuya nodded respectfully, not saying a word before continuing his march towards the Gryffindor common room.

A weird feeling settled in his stomach when he arrived at the portrait hole, it was a feeling that he could not describe. He felt weird taking care of Dazai it felt so different compared to what he usually did for him. 

Time skip-

 Chuuya arrived at the dining hall at half past 11, various plates of dishes were already served at each houses, he got himself a tray, a plate, silverware, and a glass of water.

Something that Dazai would like... he thought to himself well, I know that in the port mafia whenever he did eat- which was rare- he ate canned crab. Chuuya smirked to himself, remembering when Dazai would beg him to buy him it whenever he was hungry.Chuuya found himself smiling at the souvenir but he quickly snapped himself  out of it. 

Why was I happy to rediscover those memories? He wondered vaguely.

He walked along the Gryffindor table, looking at the different plates of foods.He looked carefully for something that would be to his partners liking. He finally decided on canned crab, Caesar salad with fried chicken bits and vinaigrette and a glass of cold water with ice.

When he arrived at the front door of the hospital wing, he rapped the door with his knuckles. He paused for a moment before hearing a small voice from the inside say "coming! Now be patient and give me one moment please."

Chuuya stayed silent, bouncing on one foot.The door opened a few seconds later "hello!" Mm pomfrey said smiling softly at Chuuya "you may come in" she she opened the door wide for Chuuya to walk in.

"Thank you," Chuuya said, closing the door shut behind him with one hand "Im here for Dazai"-the woman's smile faded "Im here to bring him ouch, Snape told me too"

"Yes, I am aware. he doesn't eat very much of the food we provide up here and since he's so terribly skinny I- Severus and I supposed that maybe if we were to give him something that he likes he would eat more of it."

There was an awkward moment of silence between the two, Chuuyas eyes were fixed upon a crack on the floor. "Anyways" Mm Pomefrey said breaking the silence "follow me I'll show you where his bed is.

Chuuya followed the older into a Hopital room with several beds in it, curtains were draw around one of them, the rest of the beds however were empty.

She drew the curtain, letting Chuuya inside, it was quite dark and Dazai appeared to be sleeping, she gestured for Chuuya to but the tray of warm food  on a small desk next to Dazais bed, Chuuya did so, he admired Dazais face for a second he looked kind of...handsome and very not annoying.

"Shall we go then?" Mme pomfrey asked watching Chuuya carefully 

He was about to say yes when he felt a hand grip his wrist

Hi so it's been a while hasn't it...

I have no excuse except for I was on vacation last week, so next chapter with probably be released in three days 

I have decided to put soukoku, I don't know if I'll be good at writing it though so it might be cringe I apologize in advance

-Sophie ♥️

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