The Royal Wedding

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"Samanun Anuntrakul, do you take, Kornkamon Phetphailin to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Sam said looking at Mon who doesn't show any expressions on her face since the beginning of marriage ceremony. She was looking emotionless like she don't have any feelings anymore.

Sam knew it was hard for Mon and totally unfair. She herself was not sure that whatever is happening is right or not.

She was so unsure about this wedding but she could not say no to her grandma when she asked Sam to help her in this tough situation. You heard it right, honorable lady grandma asked for help.

"Grandma, I didn't understand what you just said to Mon's parents?" Sam asked her grandma. She was still not able to believe that she heard right or not.

"What is there to understand Sam. You are going to marry Mon."

"But grandma"

"I want to ask you something Sam and I want an honest answer from you." Grandma said with serious voice and Sam nodded at her. "What Nop said about you, is that true? Are you gay?"

For a second Sam's heart stop beating. She knew that there is no use in lie or giving excuse.

"I....i don't know why I am like this grandma. It happened and I couldn't control it but I swear I never had any lover and I never told anyone about this other than Nop."

"This is not the answer of my question Sam."

"Yes...yes grandma it's true. I am.....i am gay."

"So you shouldn't have a problem to marry Mon."

"This is not how it works grandma." Sam tried to reason with her.

"I don't get it. It was okay to arrange Nop's marriage then why it's not okay if I asked you to marry Mon. To help me to keep my late husband's promise. You wanted to marry a woman, right?"

"Yes. You are right but what about Mon? I am gay, she is not so how can anyone except her to marry me."

"She can say no to this marriage. No one is going to force her to be wed with you. I am doing whatever I can do to keep my husband's promise and now ball is in their court. So tell me Sam you are willing to marry Mon for the sake of your grandparents honor?"

Sam thaught for few minutes then said yes to her grandma because she was sure Mon was not going to say yes to this marriage.

Sam was sure that Mon will refuse to marry her but why this is happening. Why they are standing in front of each other holding hands and saying their wedding vows.

"Kornkamon Phetphailin, do you take, Samanun Anuntrakul to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

After hearing priest's words Mon's facial expressions change first time but Sam couldn't figure out what she was feeling.

Mon has no idea how her life changed in one day. She was happy, very very happy for her wedding but everything changed when her parents came in her room last evening with tears in her mother's eyes and helpless look on her father's face.

She felt nothing after hearing what grandma told to her parents. She felt a numbness in her whole body knowing that Nop ran away from home because he doesn't want to marry her. Tomorrow is her wedding and now she get to know that the man she loved since childhood doesn't want to marry her but also doesn't think what will happen to her before leaving. Now the great nobles are replacing him with her sister. Is this wedding a kids' play for them?

"Mon you doesn't have to say yes to this marriage. You are beautiful, smart, kind and in future there will be no shortage of boys who want to have your heart. Who will make you a real queen and not just on papers." Aon told her daughter because Pohn herself was feeling nothing.

"Are you sure brother Aon?" Aon's sister said entering the room who happens to listen everything.

"Not now Anong."

"What not now brother. I said this before and I am saying it again, there is nothing good written in her destiny. And this is the worst a girl can face in her life, groom running away a day before wedding."

"Shut up Anong."

"You can shut me now but how you are going to shut off the mouth of guests who are coming here to attend the wedding. I am sure she is not going to marry a woman. Her bad luck is going to tarnish not only our family's honor but the royal family's honor too and you questioned me why i call her the carrier of bad destiny."

Listening all this Mon was unable to contain her tears. She and her mother both were crying endless tears.

"Get out of here Anong. There is nothing wrong with my daughter but your thinking. It is you who is carrier of negative thinking. And about guests, no one is important than my daughter." Aon said with determination. Anong gave the family a last dirty look and then left from there.


"Mæ̀ if I refuse to marry Khun Sam that will break grandpa's promise." Mon said interrupting her mother.

"It doesn't matter Mon. Nothing matters only you do. You don't have to marry Khun Sam. I am going to call hon. Lady and cancel this wedding." Pohn said while picking her phone but Mon took the phone from her hands.

"Mæ̀, papa i...i am ready to marry khun Sam."

Both husband wife looked each other and they knew why Mon is agreeing to marry khun Sam. She doesn't want to disappoint anyone specially her late grandpa who loved her so much.

"Mon you don't have to. No one is going to hold it against you if you refuse to marry her. We are proud of you and we will be forever."

"I know papa and i am so grateful for that but i want to marry khun Sam."


"I have decided Mæ̀. I want you to respect my wish. Please."

Mon was sure that she was not gay. She never felt any attraction toward women but still she agreed to marry khun Sam because it is the only option for her.

"Mon." Yuki whispered in Mon's ear when she doesn't utter a word after hearing priest. Everyone's eyes were on her.

Sam was worried to for Mon's possible rejection.

"I...i do."

After that both exchanged their wedding ring.

"In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you wife and wife! You may kiss now."

After hearing those words both Mon and Sam's heart started beating fast. They never kissed anyone in their life but now they have to kiss and that too in front of so many people.

Sam leaned a little bit toward Mon and asked in slow voice.
"May I kiss you?"

Mon nodded because other than that what she supposed to do.

Sam's lips landed on Mon's. It was small pack and before Mon can feel Khun Sam's lips they were already gone.

In that moment their heart's beating was louder than the noise of cheering of guests.


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