Coconut Rice

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"Mon, did you thought about new name for out media company. Grandma told you to rename it right?"

After taking a bath Mon was applying lotion on her hands when Sam asked her.

Mon looked at Sam, who was busy with some office work on the couch.

"Yes, I do have a name for it but I don't know if it's good or not?"

Sam closed her file and put it aside, giving Mon all the attention.

"Tell me what it is. Let me be the judge."

"So I searched about Nita creative media, it was a publishing company which was not focused on one or two sections, it was publishing different types of content, for example it published about politics, entertainment, current affairs and various other things."

Sam smiled thinking that Mon did some research before thinking a name for company and didn't just chose the first name that come to her mind.

"So I think for this media company 'Diversity' will be a good name."

"It's not good."

Mon's face fell after hearing this.

"I think it's perfect." Sam said teasing Mon and her face lit up.

"Khun Sam, I thought you didn't like the name." Mon said with a pout.

"Ohh, I was just teasing you. Truly Mon 'Diversity' is a perfect name for the company."

"Thank you khun Sam."

Mon said with a big smile and Sam's first thought was that Mon has a beautiful smile.

At that moment there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Both Sam and Mon were surprised to see Nop on their door.

Mon's expression quickly changed from surprised to anger.

"Nop? Are you okay?" Sam asked seeing Nop looking so crestfallen.

"Phi, I came here to apologize for my behavior of last night."


"I don't know what come over me, I spoke nonsense in my anger."

"Anger is a medium to bring out a person's real thoughts."
Mon said staring annoyingly at Nop.

"I know Mon but I had no intention to hurt you or phi. Please phi forgive me." Nop said, kneeling in front of Sam with folded hands.

"Nop, I forgive you." Sam said making Nop stand up. "I know you didn't mean what you said. I forgive you."

"Thank you so much phi and I promise I will try to be a better person." Nop said hugging Sam. Next he turned to Mon. "Mon, I am sorry."

Mon didn't know what to think of Nop's apology. Was he truly feeling guilty or it was something else but one thing she was sure about that she was not ready to forgive Nop.

Maybe Nop get that from her silence because he left from there without saying anything else.


"Khun Sam if you are going to tell me to forgive Nop then don't because I am not ready."

"No, I understand Mon. Take your time and if you don't want to forgive him ever, that's okay too. Good night."

Sam said and went to sleep on couch taking pillow and extra blanket from bed.

Mon was looking at her. She was surprised that how understandable Sam is. She never had a talk with Sam before but now she can easily speak to her.


"P'Song, do you need help with breakfast preparation."

Mon was up early so she decided to come to the kitchen to see if anybody need her help.

"N'Mon, you know that it's my job to help you and here you are offering to help me." Song said smiling at Mon.

"I do like preparing food. I used to cook at my home. I want to cook here too."

"Oh, if khun grandma catch you working......."

"P'Song, I will tell grandma that it was me who wanted to help, it has nothing to do with you." Mon said pouting.

"Okay kha, do you know how to make coconut rice? I was going to make that because khun Sam likes that a lot."

Mon's eyes narrowed at Song's last words but she didn't give a second thought to it.

"I know how to cook coconut rice, my mae and papa always told me that I make the best coconut rice."

"Very well, here are ingredients."


Song served breakfast to royal family. Mon was anticipating their reaction on her food. She told Song to ask them about coconut rice without disclosing that she is the one who prepared it.

"Who made the coconut rice?" Sam asked before Song can ask the question.

"Why? What happened khun Sam? It's not good." Song asked looking worriedly at Mon who's attention was on Sam.

"It''s good but it's not as much good when you always make it so I am assuming you didn't cooked this."

Mon's face fell after hearing this. She was feeling sad but also shocked that Sam was able to tell that it was not made by Song.

"No, I didn't khun Sam. This was cooked by n'Mon."

"Oh." Sam looked at Mon who was looking down at her plate. Sam didn't said anything bad about her food but she surely knew that whatever she said made Mon sad.

"You cooked this rice Mon? I never knew you can cook this well Mon." Grandma said with beaming smile.

"Grandma is right Mon. This rice is so tasty."

Grandma glared at Nop like she was upset with him for speaking.

Mon ignored Nop's comment and gave grandma a half hearted smile.

"Phi Song, I will eat this rice alone, you should cook again for phi Sam as she didn't liked Mon's food." Nop said with smirk serving himself more rice.

Now Sam and grandma both were glaring at him. Song was feeling bad as she can see the crestfallen look of Mon.

"Nop is right p'Song, you should cook for khun Sam again." Mon said not meeting anyone's eyes and eating her breakfast.

Song looked at Sam, signing with her eyes to do something.

"I didn't said this is not tasty Nop. It's pretty good and I can eat this."

"Nop, don't speak unless you are asked to do." Grandma came to Sam's support and gave Nop a angry glare.


"Khun Sam, we are getting late. I should bring my bag. May I grandma.......?"
Mon said asking grandma if she can leave.

After grandma nodded at he she left for her room.


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