Making Up

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"Mon, coconut rice was good." Sam was driving Mon to her university and after spending few minutes in silence, she decided to speak.

"But not as much good as phi Song makes." Mon said continue to look out of the window.

After that Sam didn't said anything. She doesn't have anything to explain herself. But one thing she knew that Mon was upset with her and she don't like it.

In the afternoon, she was sitting in her office thinking how to make Mon happy again.

Then an idea struck her mind. She smiled and left her office not caring if she has pending work.


"Oho Mon, stop sulking. How many times I have to tell you that you make the best coconut rice."

"You think so Yuki, Mae and papa say the same that I make the best coconut rice but khun Sam, she didn't liked my coconut rice." Mon said pouting.

"Why does it matters what khun Sam think, you have the majority in your side."

"I don't need majority and what khun Sam thinks matters to me. I am her wife and how could she like someone else's food more than mine?"

Yuki was Mon's best friend since childhood and she never saw Mon changing like that. She changed drastically after her wedding. Before she never cared about people's opinions, even said opinions were harsh sometimes. She always ignored them but now she is sulking since morning because khun Sam doesn't liked the dish made by her.

At that moment Mon's phone buzzed, it was a message from Sam.

"Do you have free time between your classes? If yes then let's have lunch together."

Yuki read the message loudly looking over Mon's shoulder.
Mon rolled her eyes at Yuki.

"Looking at someone's phone is not good manner. Don't you know that Yuki."

"Ohh, that someone is my best friend, who kept dragging me everywhere when she was simping over a boy."

Mon glared at her.

"Do you have to remind me that everyday? Should I replace my best friend with someone else?"

"You can but you are not going to get another Yuki, by the way, your wife would be waiting for your reply."

Mon thought for a few minutes before turning to Yuki.

"I am still upset with her but I don't want to reject her. What should I do? Yuki, would you like to join us for lunch?"

"First thing, I don't want to be a third wheel and khun Sam will definitely not like it. Second thing, I have classes, did you forget."

Mon sighed at Yuki's answer. She was looking at Sam's text and thinking about her reply when Yuki nudged her. She looked at Yuki then in the direction where Yuki was looking.

It was Nop who was walking towards them. Mon frowned upon his presence.

"Hey Mon, Yuki." He said with a big smile.

"Nop, what do you want?" Mon said in stern voice.

"Oh, you are still mad with me. Mon I am sorry for everything."

"What do you want Nop?" She repeated her question.

"I came here to ask if you would like to join me for lunch?"

Mon raised her eye brows at him. He was using overly sweet voice.

"Don't think otherwise Mon. We are family and family can have lunch together. Like you said that you are my sister's wife. Right?"

"Right, I am your sister's wife and your sister want to grab lunch with her wife so sorry Nop I have to reject your offer. But we will definitely have dinner together, at home, with family."
Yuki looked at Mon with wide eyes on her blunt reply to Nop.

Nop was standing there frowning.

"Yuki, I have to go. I will see you later." Mon gave a last look to Nop and went from there.

While walking to the parking lot she text Sam.

'I will be waiting for you in parking lot.'

She got a reply instantly.

'I am already in parking lot. 😎'

And the emoji at the end make Mon smile. She shakes her head and start walking fast towards parking lot.

When she reached there, she saw khun Sam standing with her back against yellow porsche.

A nervous smile was featuring her face while she looked at Mon.

"Mon, I am glad that you agreed to have lunch with me."

"I just want to make sure you had a tasty lunch as breakfast was not tasty." Mon said with dry tone and get inside the car before Sam could open the door.

Sam knew Mon was still upset with her and that's why she was here. She enters the car and start driving.

"I hope you are not taking me to some fancy restaurant khun Sam because I am not dressed for that."

Sam looked at Mon, she was just checking if what Mon said was true. She have no intention to let her eyes wonder on Mon's body, from head to toe. But it happened and when she realized what she was doing, she turned her eyes back to road.

But for her mind it was enough time to reach the conclusion that Mon is beautiful. She tried to not think about it but it was stuck in her mind.

"Khun Sam? Where we are going?" Mon asked after some time as they were driving for a while and away from her university.

"Huh? Oh....." Sam realized that she was driving absentmindedly and left the restaurant behind. "Sorry Mon, I didn't realized that I took the wrong turn. I will drive back........"

"Khun Sam, I have only one hour left until my class."

Sam sighed with disappointment. She was supposed to make up with Mon but she was making her more upset.

"I....i am so..."

"Do you mind eating from a food truck?" Mon asked cutting Sam mid sentence.

And that's how they ended up in a park eating food from a food truck.

"I am not mad at you anymore."

Mon said and Sam looked at her with hopeful expression.

"I know you wanted to take me out on lunch to make up with me."

"Right, but nothing turned according to plan." Sam said with sheepish look.

"It doesn't matter khun Sam, you getting ready to eat roadside food with me is more than enough to show that you are truly trying to make me happy. In fact I should be the one asking sorry......"

"Why? You did nothing."

"No khun Sam, my behavior was very childish over a small matter. I am sorry."

Khun Sam smiled at Mon.

"I forgive you and you forgive me. I think this topic should close here right."

Mon nodded at Sam while taking a bite from her burger.

Sam's eyes landed on Mon's mouth, she had some ketchup on her lips. Without much thinking Sam's thumb wiped her lips. Mon looked at her.

"Uhhh....there was ketchup..."

"Oh, thank you khun Sam." Mon just said and continued to eat her lunch.

Meanwhile Sam was frozen at her own action. Her heart was beating superfast and she had no idea what was happening to her because, first time in her life she was feeling these unknown feelings.


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