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"So you ran away because you didn't want to get married."

Nop nods in yes on his friend's question.

"So you get to know after your return that your sister married this girl instead of you."

Nop again nodded at other question.

"How you didn't knew, it was all over in the media. I mean it was not said that originally you were supposed to get married but it was not hard to put two and two together. At least for you."

Nop get frustrated with his friends talk. He looked at them with anger.

"I don't care about that girl or my phi marrying her but you know I lost everything and here you are taunting me."

"Hey man relax. But what do you mean by you losing everything?"

Nop's face was showing anger, frustration, sadness.

"According to my grandma I tried to tarnish royal family's reputation and the girl's family's dignity so she think I don't deserve anything from
family inheritance. As my great sister became the savior of their honor, in the reward she will get everything. The Anuntrakul Empire, the palace, every asset that is on Anuntrakul's name." Nop didn't cried but nothing was left.

His friends looks at him with sympathy and then they all started laughing in sync.

Nop looked at them with anger and betrayal.

"We.....we are....real...really sorry but Nop your situation is totally laughing worthy." one said tried to control his laugh.

"Totally. I mean you didn't get the girl, you got beaten by some gamblers and you lost your family property." the other one said making Nop feel like a looser. He want to leave from there but he was in dire need of 'the stuff' and his friends were the only one who could provide him that.

"Nop, you didn't get that girl but this one is not bad too. And she is crazy for you." one of his friend said pointing behind him.

He turned to see that Mon was entering the café with Yuki. He quickly turned back. How was he supposed to tell his friends that Mon is the girl behind his situation. He can't tell them because if grandma get to know about it she is going to stop the money he will get yearly from his father's funds.

"Stop staring at her and focus on my situation. Help me to think how can I get my part of property back. Because it's worth billion."

His friends eyes widen with shock hearing billion from Nop.

"You were evicted from the property because you denied to marry this girl, that means you have to marry the girl to get your property back."

"Did you smoked your own stuff ? Were you listening when I told you that my sister married that girl instead of me." Nop said rolling his eyes in frustration.

"I got it man but I also got it that this girl is straight and there is chance that this marriage will fail in future. You make it fail now."

Nop give his friend a questioning look.

"Just make this girl fall in love with you or make her fall in lust with you." He said with a evil smirk.

"Nop what Thop mean to say is that make this girl crave the body of real man. She is young and surely had physical needs which your sister can't full fill. So take that responsibility upon yourself. And don't forget, you are the one who is going to give heirs to Anuntrakuls and why not with the girl chosen by your grandma."

Because of his anger Nop forgets the difference between right and wrong. In his mind he was sure that making Mon fall for him is not going to be hard because she is already crazy for him. And other things are going to work automatically after that.


"Ownership transfer paper work is done khun Nita. Now Anuntrakul Empire is the owner of Nita creative media."

"Indeed khun Sam, but what is the new name of my......I mean your company?"

"My Wife is going to rename the company. You will get to know when she will chose the name." Sam said with a smile on her face.

"Your wife. It seems you love and respect your wife a lot."

Nita's words made Sam's smile disappear.

"I mean her opinion matters to you a lot and to be honest I am so eager to meet her. So I want to invite you and your wife for dinner."

Sam froze for a second but then composed herself and said.

"I apologize khun Nita but dinner would not be possible as my wife is quite busy with her studies and to be honest I don't want to expose her to media yet."

Nita smiled at that and stare at Sam for a second.

"I understand but dinner with you is still possible, right? To celebrate this successful deal."

Sam didn't see any harm in accepting Nita's offer.

"Sure, text me the detail about when do you want that celebratory dinner."


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