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Mon took the bus to university that day. She was unaware of bus schedule so I got a little late for class.
After class Yuki asked her about it.

"I didn't knew bus route but I got all the information today so I will arrive on time tomorrow."

"But wait a second, why are you traveling by bus. Khun Sam drop you every day, what happened?"

Mon told Yuki all about the happenings in her life. How khun Sam turned from sweet and gentle wife to an almost stranger to her.

"People change and I have experienced that with you but after talking to you I can understand why you changed. Maybe you should talk with khun Sam to know what are the reason behind her behavior changing."

"That's what p'Song said and i also know that I have to talk to her to know if I am the one who is at fault."

"Or maybe she is having problems at work? You told me about her new company launching, right?"

Yuki's question make her think. She realized that maybe she is over thinking everything and khun was distant from her because she was feeling under stressed of work.

"You are right Yuki. I will talk to her today to clear everything."


It's been one week, Mon tried to talk with Sam a few times but it feels like instead of having a communication, their communication gap became bigger.

Mon could feel that khun Sam doesn't even wanted to have a casual conversation with her. She always walked away whenever Mon wanted to talk to her.

On the other side Sam was not doing any well. She was avoiding Mon so she could make her feelings disappear from her heart for her wife but it was not working at all. She even started to feel more emotions related to Mon.

Like one day she was so stressed about some business deal and then she heard Mon laughing with Song in the kitchen. Unknowingly a smile appeared on her stern face.

And the other day when she once again reject to have breakfast at home giving the same accuse that she is getting late. When she was at door she heard Nop talking to Mon with sweet voice.

'What have you made in breakfast today Mon?'

'Oh I did tried a new recipe today, tell me how it is?'
Mon asked in casual tone while putting breakfast in Nop's plate.

The talk was very normal, from Mon's side at least. Like a sister-in-law talking to her brother-in-law but Sam felt this new emotion while watching it all from her position at door.

She then left from there and later she find out that the emotion she felt that moment was jealousy.

Day by day these feelings were getting out of her control. And because of this she was unable to concentrate on her work.

Finally she decided to have an another meeting with her friends. That's how she ended up at their regular restaurant on Monday evening.

"I was aware horn stupidity that avoiding Mon is not going to help you." Tee said while eating her dessert.

"I am still trying to understand what is the need of avoiding your wife, I found it stupid."

"I agree with Jim. You are avoiding her but you are still falling in love with her."

Sam chocked on the drink she was drinking after hearing what Kade said.

"Falling in love?" She asked with wide eyes and confusion.

"You told us what are you feeling in recent times that clearly indicates that you are falling for her. And the more you will try to avoid it the more it will get difficult."

"When did you became expert in feelings Kade?"

Jim questioned her actress friend while Sam was busy thinking about what Kade just said. No matter how many times she think about it but the conclusion is the same - if she let herself feel the way she want to feel for Mon then she will be taking advantage of her wife.

"How could I stop these feelings?" Sam asked with determination.

The trio looked at each other with tired expressions. They were done with Sam's behavior.

"Why do you want to stop your feelings for Mon?" Tee asked.

"Don't talk about 'taking advantage of situation thing' because you are not taking any advantage." Jim said getting a little frustrate.

Sam sighed now sadness evident in her eyes.
"Why should I have feelings for her when I am well aware that she will never have feelings for me."

Her three friends gave her sympathetic look.

"Sam, did you watched my recent drama series?"

Sam gave a look to Kade then shaked head in no.

"I didn't had time to waste on watching dramas."

Jim and Tee snickered at Sam's reply and for that they earned an angry look from the actress.

"You should watch it. The series had won many awards." Kade said with pride giving her friends a mocking look.

"You chose this time to brag about your series or it has anything to do with Sam's situation?" Jim asked.

"Yes, the series is quite similar with Sam's situation. In the drama lead characters were in arrange marriage. The wife already had a lover and she told that to her husband on their wedding night.

They both were couple in the eyes of everyone but in reality they were just two strangers.

And then the husband started to fall in love with his wife but he didn't tried to avoid her or ignoring her like Sam is doing.

He just loved his wife without crossing any boundaries. He was treating her like a lover should treat his partner.

He was not taking advantage of the situation because he was giving his love, his time, his care to his wife without expecting anything in return.

What I am trying to say is so many people fell in love with peoples they can't have but still they take care of them, love them and it's not wrong if they didn't expect anything in return."

"Wow that was a quite long monologue." Tee said breaking the silence that occurred between four friends after Kade's words.

"Shut up Tee. Now Sam I just want to know if you got what I told you."

"I......." Sam's phone started to ring before she could say anything.

She checked the device and a frown appeared on her face seeing Yuki's name on screen. She picked up the phone.

She get up from her seat in shock and worry after hearing the news from other end. Her breathing started to get heavy and eyes got teary.


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