Chapter Six - Detention

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It was nearing Halloween and Fred, George and I had gotten a little too comfortable. It was time to shake this place up a bit but first we had to finish the last day of school before Halloween weekend.

McGonagall had us transfiguring snakes into bangles but I kept discreetly levitating them so that the twins would miss. I had been called out by professor McGonagall however.

"Miss black if your would stop practicing charms in my class and come demonstrate how to properly transfigure this snake that would be greatly appreciated."

I stepped up to professor McGonagall's table and she laid a snake on her desk waiting for me to recite the incantation.  I, for one, tended to mumble when I cast spells so it came off almost nonverbal but it seemed to do the trick as the snake expertly twisted and transfigured into and emerald encrusted gold bangle.

"Excellent work miss black! Ten points to Gryffindor." She said as she waved me back to my seat.

As I walked by Fred and George had there hands out waiting for a high five. I gave one to each of them as I slid back into my own seat waiting for another opportunity to transfigure my snake.

The opportunity arrived and I turned my snake into a bangle before I was tasked to turn it back into a snake.

Class was let out eventually and the twins, lee, and I headed down to the dungeons for potions.

We were to finish brewing the widginweld potion which was a healing potion used in dueling.

My potion was fine but Fred and George were messing up frequently under the judgment of Snape who had something against the two of them. I would have thought he would have something against me too seeing as I was the child of one of his bullies but he left me alone and in great confusion.

In midday we went to our usual spot in the courtyard with our lunch accompanied by Angelina and Alecia. We were once again talking about quidditch as that is the only thing we ever talked about.

Some Slytherins were sat near us and whenever I spoke they would mock whatever I said. I glanced back at them a few times but didn't do anything about it in hopes they would leave me alone.

Angelina was beginning to fume towards them after a while so I just stopped talking all together. The twins noticed this and pointed it out to the others so they would understand why I had zoned out.

We had charms next and were reviewing a charm from the previous day. I was sat with Angelina and Alecia this time. Fred, George, and Lee were sitting in the front of the class as they had gotten in trouble the day before and that was their punishment.

We were even now as we had both gotten in trouble and avoided detention.

Once classes for the day were over we were headed to supper when we received a golden opportunity we couldn't pass up.

Percy was marching down the halls in a toss as he rearranged his books in his arms. The twins and I raised our wands and in unison preformed a spell that made the bottom of his shoes virtually frictionless.

We watched as he slid down the hall unable to stop until he ran into a girl and her friend.

"That's the girl he fancies." George said as he high fived Fred.

"Penelope Clearwater?" I questioned.

"The taller one. Look! She's at least three inches taller than him." Fred pointed out.

"He can't be mad at us now. We helped him talk to his crush." I said as I stepped out.

I walked past and descreatley countered the spell then levitated the rest of his books to him.

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