Chapter Four - Catching a ride

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And that day quickly came. September first arrived at last. Albeit quite slowly, it did arrive eventually. Everyone was scrambling around the house and Ron and Ginny were being forced to come along since they had errands to run afterwards. Mr Weasley had already left for work so Mrs Weasley was left to manage the six of us.

The car magically expanded to have plenty of trunk space in the back as well as an extra row of seats on the inside. Percy and Mrs Weasley sat in the driver's and passenger seats while ron and Ginny were sat in the middle and once again Fred, George and I crammed in the back. I didn't mind though as I was with my two best friends.

I would change into my robes later on the train so I wore a pair of sweats and a more fitted weird sisters t-shirt so I would be comfortable. Practically my entire wardrobe consisted of sweatpants and weird sisters t-shirts. I really like the weird sisters if you couldn't already tell.

We parked at the king's cross station and got our trunks out of the car pulling them along untill we got trolleys. Bob was perched respectfully in his cage on top of all my belongings and I praised the owl for remaining so calm even after I put the cover over his cage.

We arrived at the pillar between nine and ten and got into position. Mrs Weasley sent Percy and I first. then, Fred and George. then, she Ron and Ginny went last. The scarlet train blew steem loudly as the platform flooded with witch and wizarding families alike. If only my own mother cared enough to see me off herself.

Before I got on Mrs Weasley stoped me to say goodbye. I was quite grateful too.

"Well dear, have a lovely year at Hogwarts. Your always welcome on holidays and if your mother doesn't show then we will take care of you on the way back." She said hugging me tightly and planting kisses on each side of my face.

"Check on her will you? It'll make me feel better if someone is checking on her. If you could write about how she's doing also. I know she'll never write to me but if someone could-"

"Of course, darling. Now run along. Percy already got your trunk for you, how sweet." Mrs Weasley was pushing me along and waving as I clambered into the now moving express.

"Bye!" I shouted and waved at her and she blew me a kiss and waved as the train sped out of sight and the window was shut.

I walked along the train compartments searching for the twins when someone slid a door open and grabbed me by the arm yanking me into the compartment.

It was Fred. I must have looked like a deer in headlights because they were both laughing their heads of as I sat across from them.

"You two are gits." I said in a deadpan though they could see the frustration in my eyes.

"Tell us something we don't already know." Fred continued to be ever the annoying twin.

"Well I bet you didn't know I could stick my foot up your butt." I said squaring him up causing him to back off from the argument.

"Okay, okay, you win." Fred surrendered reluctantly.

"Good." I replied as I relaxed into my seat.

Moments later there was loud rapping on the compartment door as it slid open revealing a friendly looking kid.

"Name's Jordan. Lee Jordan. Mind if I take a seat here? All the other compartments are a spot crowded." The kid asked.

"Have a seat." Fred invited him in and they both hoisted his trunk into the overhead compartments.

"How 'bout a game of exploding snap. Let's see if you can live up to the Weasleys enough to be friends." I said as I slapped the deck of cards on the ground and began setting the game up.

"You play lee first then Fred and I will play. Whoever wins plays eachother." George said.

"The lunch trolly might come soon so in case we're still playing grab us something." I said handing him a few galleons. "Get some for all of us. I respect your mother's cooking but candy tastes better." I added making sure they got some for them too.

"Thanks Chlo." Fred said as he snatched the money out of George's hand.

Fred and George left in the middle of our game to visit the trolley coming back with armfuls of sweets which they scattered on the ground and sat down next to us watching our game.

"Lee takes the win!" Fred shouted directly in my ear on accident.

I pushed Fred's head away as I stood up and laid across the bench in the compartment collecting some sweets too eat while I watched the twins play.

"C'mon Chloe I need motivation." Fred said as I sat up and he laid against my legs as he continued to flip and play cards.

I started feeding him Berty botts beans which should have put him at a disadvantage from the grotesque flavors I was choosing for him but he seemed to be fine.

Lee seemed to be having a great time and he fit in so well it was like we'd known him forever. That was something the twins were admirable at, making it seem like everyone was a friend. Lee was a friend now. He had officially become a part of the group in a matter of minutes.

The tournament went on and George beat Fred so Lee and George were now playing whilst Fred and I laid across the benches commentating while we breathed down their necks.

"How are you doing in here?" Percy asked politely as he opened our compartment door.

"Go away Perce!" Fred and George shouted in unison.

"Were fine." I said apologetically as I closed the compartment door and drew the blinds.

George ended up being the exploding snap champion but by the end of the tournament Lee had already become one of us. The sun was setting so we cleaned up the compartment and got our robes out to go change in the train bathrooms.

I changed out of my weird sisters t-shirt and sweats into my school uniform. I also took out my messy bun and combed through my hair with my fingers getting the tangles out.

When I returned to the compartment Fred, George, and Lee were already their in their robes finishing off the candy.

"Hey Chloe, you should let me braid your hair." Fred said as he waved me over to him.

"You know how to braid hair?" I questioned.

"We used to braid bill's hair in his sleep of course I know how to braid hair." He said sounding almost offended.

"Then I have no reason to doubt you." I said as I sat in front of him allowing him to braid my very thick black hair.

Fred French braided my hair leaving a few strands out to frame my face better. Once he was done I handed him a hair tie and he tied the end off.

He loosened the braid to make it look fuller then pat me on the shoulder to let me know it was done. I checked it in the glass of the train window and saw that Fred had braided my hair quite well.

"You know, I thought you would suck at braiding but your actually quite good. Thank you." I said to Fred. He looked mildly offended at the beginning but his expression softened after I complimented him.

We arrived at Hogsmeade station and got off the train following the half giant called hagrid down to the docks where all the first years would ride across the black lake to Hogwarts.

Fred, George, Lee and I clambered into a boat and set of on our way to Hogwarts. The ride was smooth and the boats rowed themselves so we didn't have to do any of the work and could just watch as the castle came closer and closer.

We docked in the Hogwarts boat house and tracked up many flights of stairs to the actual castle where we were met with professor McGonagall who introduced herself and explained what was about to happen. I started getting nervous hoping I would be in the same house as the twins and possibly Lee as well.

Then the doors to the great hall opened.

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