Chapter Twenty-eight - Ron's Gone

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Between studying for my exams and still having regular classes to do work for i was kept quite busy over the next few weeks and had taken a bit of a break from the whole philosopher's stone situation as had Harry and Ron but Hermione still had her head wrapped around it. 

we had our last game of the season and won the Quidditch cup for the first time in years which then led to a massive house party in the common room. the Fred, George, lee and i all went down to the kitchens to nick some food and once we got back i flopped on a couch and fell asleep. i may have still been in my game uniform but the game really took it out of me this time because it went on for about three hours. you never know how long there going to last but i was at least hoping to get lunch at a decent hour. i didn't by the way. the game started at eleven and ended at two and by then the students who didn't attend the game had already eaten and those that didn't were left with some snacks on the tables which was not nearly enough of a full meal for the fourteen or so people who just got off the field after playing.

i was woken up hours later by Fred who let me know that the party had been shut down and everyone was in bed now so i got up and went to my dorm. i washed up a bit before going to bed. Angelina and Alicia were asleep long before i was since they decided to skip the party all together and i was slightly envious of there better judgement because tomorrow i had an exam prep course with Cedric that he organized with a few other Hufflepuffs and he scheduled it at eight in the morning. only a Hufflepuff would schedule something at eight in the bloody morning on a weekend.

the next morning i got up and got ready making my way to the library and sat next to Cedric at the table realizing i had completely forgotten all of the things i needed to actually study.

"i am a complete idiot." i said dejectedly.

"don't say that." he tried to comfort me.

"it slipped my mind that i actually need my study material to go to a study group." i said in a deadpan.

"well that doesn't make you a complete idiot, only a little bit of one." he said still trying to be hopeful.

"thanks." i said.

"half of the people haven't even got here yet you've got plenty of time to go get it." i said and i got up wondering if I'll even come back.

"hey, Wood said he might bring us in for an emergency practice so wish me luck that he wont spot me." i said hurrying off. 

when i reached the portrait tower i began ascending to the seventh floor when on the third floor i saw that the door was askew. well, i had an excuse so if i went in here no one would be looking for me. the only person i could think could be in here was Quirrell. that was unless Harry, Ron and Hermione were back on there escapades.

only one way to find out.

i walked through the door leaving it askew as i made my way back down the old corridor to the very end where a large door stood firmly on its rusted hinges. i clicked the latch on the handle and pushed it open catching a glimpse of a three headed dog and froze only for a moment.

"Miss Black i advise you to step away. you have done your part in this and your aid is no longer required." Professor Snape spoke behind me. i didn't flinch when he spoke but i certainly didn't move either.

"and what brings you here then?" i questioned.

"Professor Dumbledore is not at the school at the moment. i am well aware that the Potter boy and his little friends have made their way through a few of the arranged... traps. you must come with me." he spoke not in his normal drone.

"so it really is Quirrell then." i said as i began walking with him out of the corridor.

"you've done your job well then. have you told him?" he asked.

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