Chapter Twenty - Return to the Burrow

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the final day of term arrived and with that came a tornado of students running around the school returning stolen or borrowed belongings and packing things. this is why i pack two weeks in advance.

i for one was running around the school because i had some last minute mail to deliver and i also needed to say goodbye to Bob before term ended so that he would know to return to the burrow with my mail. as i was hurrying down the hall in my pajamas i saw many of the teachers making their way towards the great hall but they were not bemused in the slightest at my attire as i had been spotted near hundreds of times wearing my pajamas around the castle during breaks.

i made it outside and onto the path to the owlery and the spring air was quite pleasant as i walked through the breeze to the tall structure filled with sleeping owls. i had a letter for Remus which was a reply to a letter i was sent from before exams that i was yet to reply to until late last night when i found it shoved into a robe pocket. 

i called for bob and moments later he flew down through the window dropping a letter into my hand and landing on my shoulder. i tied the fresh letter to bob's ankle with a letter clasp and he flew off. Remus sent me a letter clasp for bob since i tended to make it impossible to untie letters just to mess with him.

the letter that was delivered had a purple ministry of magic seal and my stomach sort of dropped. in my experience no happy news came with the purple seal of the ministry. the neat parchment was almost ominous and while i did not fear letters from the ministry, this letter in particular had something about it that made me want to burn it.

i broke the seal of the envelope and slid the letter out opening the small piece of parchment to reveal the ministry logo stamped at the top. 

Dear Chloe Black,

It has come to our attention at the ministry that since your last stay at your new family the conditions have become unsuitable for an underage witch like yourself. to avoid the muggle child protective services we have made the unanimous decision to chance your residency and place your care under Mr. Arthur Weasley and Mrs. Molly Weasley. we hope this letter met you well and wish you a pleasant end of term.

The Ministry of Magic

im not bothered by this news in the slightest. in fact, i might just be glad. I've barely spent time in my own home since i moved into my new home and i didn't care for it either i would much rather live at the burrow for the rest of my school years and I'm glad the Weasley's are willing to take me in since they already have sort of taken me in.

"it would be wise to keep this news to yourself until the time you leave with them." a old, wise voice spoke behind me.

"why?" i asked as i turned and was met with the face of the headmaster of this homely school.

"you and your friends are quite popular and the prospect of your relocation may have something to do with the darker side of the wizarding world. do not dwell on the safety of your mother, she has dealt with great deals of adversity to keep you sheltered from the dark arts but it has grown time for the ministry to step in. you are a powerful witch Chloe, we must protect the things that can destroy the world in hopes that they may brighten our future instead of cast it into darkness." Dumbledore spoke softly as he took a seat on one of the windowsills. he pat the spot next to him and i sat down ready to listen to what he needed to say to me. he would not have come all this way if it was not important to say something to me before i left for summer holiday.

"your making it sound like something bad happened." i said hesitantly.

"i cannot deny it but i also know very little of the situation." he admitted.

Summers at The Burrow - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now