03 - Year 2026

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" So I'm in the future now? " He questioned for the umpteenth time.

" Yes year 2026. " Minho answered for umpteenth time.

" And I leave at 3 am tomorrow? " Older Minho nodded as he poured a cup of coffee to get his mind started for the day ahead.

" Does that mean I get to skip school today? " Younger Minho said with an excited smile.

" Nope, you'll return to the exact same day when you left. " Minho replied and chuckled evilly when the younger groaned in protest.

" Wow must be good to finally be done with school. " He muttered and then quickly turned his attention to the older once a thought crossed his mind. " What do you do by the way? "

" I own a company. " He replied with a shrug as if it was something normal.

" What?! Does that mean you're rich? " Minho questioned already excited for the future.

" Um hm. " Older Minho replied with a proud grin. " I own a penthouse. "

" No way! " The older chuckled at his excited younger self. " What did you study? Tell me so that I can do the same. "

" You won't remember even if I tell you. Just do what you're doing now. "

" Wait- I won't remember? " Older Minho nodded.
" You'll forget everything that happened after you stepped through that door once you leave. "

" But then.. How were you so calm when you saw me earlier? As if you knew everything. "

" That old lady told me, when I got married. "

" Oh that old lady! " He exclaimed as he connected the dots. " She did say something along the lines of what must come will come. " He tried to remember what exactly she said.

" It will show you what must come. But remember once you return you'll go back to normal but the only thing remains is a piece of paper. " Older Minho repeated the lines he remembered the old lady saying when they met on his wedding day.

" I think I understand half of the things she said now. Like once you return everything will go back to normal as I'll forget I ever came here. " He immediately understood the meaning but only one thing remained unsolved. " What does she meant by a piece of paper? "

" You can bring a piece of paper with you to the past. "

" Really?! Wait lemme bring my journal with me. It surely has everything I need right? " Older Minho once again chuckled at how smart his past self was being.

" Sadly you can only bring this paper. " He removed a very weird paper from his pocket. It was smaller than the size of a post it note and it's edges were made up of cool metallic ridges.

" It's too small. " Younger Minho complained as he took the paper in his hand causing the older to laugh.

" I said the same thing when she gave it to me on my wedding day. "

" What am I supposed to write on this? " Minho questioned while turning the paper around to examine how much he can actually fit in this small piece of paper.

" You can start by writing the date you came here. " Minho suggested.

" Something tells me, you know what to write in this. " The older smiled at how fast his past self caught on quickly. Thank god he wasn't a dumb little kid when it came to real life situations.

" Yup but I ain't gonna tell you. Because eventually you'll know what to write. " The younger looked at him with wide confused eyes causing him to chuckle again.

" Get ready, I'll show you around the future. "
Minho quickly complied, running upstairs to open the closet.
The clothes were little too big on his younger body but they just seemed baggy so he wore a tight fit jeans he assumed was discarded since it didn't fit the older anymore.

" I'm ready. " He announced quickly walking downstairs towards the older male who had already changed into different clothes.

" Where are we going? "

" We'll grab breakfast first from our favorite cafe and then I'll show you around your future life. "

" Okay! " He cheered and walked outside with older Minho following him.

" Are we taking the bus? "

" Why bus when I own this. " The older male gestured towards the black and red audi looking out of place in the middle class neighborhood.

How can someone even miss it?

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How can someone even miss it?

" Wow! You own this car?!! " He exclaimed running towards the car to take a closer look. " No way! "

The older male grinned and opened the car to take a seat inside. " Well come on in. "

Minho nodded excitedly and sat beside his older self. Soon enough they reached the cafe with him gushing over how smooth the car was working and whatnot.

" What do you want? " The older male questioned him who was busy looking around his favorite cafe. In the past, the cafe had a rather modern look but now it had tons of plants decorating it along with the sweet smell of breads and coffee.

" Pudding? " He questioned as he was curious to know if the taste of the pudding changed or is it the same.

The older nodded and after giving their order they found a seat near the back of the cafe.
" The cafe changed a lot. " He said looking around the new lights decorating the ceiling.

" Yup, the owner found a partner so together they decided to expand the cafe. "

" Expand the cafe? " He questioned because he didn't see any extension in the area when he stepped inside.

" There was an apartment upstairs but after the tenant left, they decided to convert it into a library so that people can enjoy books and coffee together. "

" Wow really? That's so cool. " The older nodded.
" Finish your pudding then I'll bring you to meet someone. " Minho nodded and quickly finished the pudding. He expected the taste to be different but it was still the same.

I guess some things never change.

He smiled after he had finished his pudding. " It's still as tasty as I ate yesterday. "

" You mean 10 years ago? " The older male questioned as he stood up to pay for their order with Minho following close behind.

The girl behind the counter gave the two male a look as she took the card older Minho was giving to pay for their breakfast.

" Are you two twins? " She asked after she was done inserting the card.

The two gazed at each other and older Minho nodded.
" Can say that. "

" Where are we going? " The younger inquired as the older male walked towards the backdoor of the cafe after they were done paying.

" Upstairs. " Suddenly excited to see what else has changed, he skipped towards the stairs and towards the supposed library.

" Hey Min! How are you? "


I chngd my phone n now I miss my old phone 😭 we went thru so much 2ghtr, low battery nights, 24 hr screen time, falling face flat on the floor and so much more 😭🤧

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