19 - That little beast with wings

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" What happened?! " Was the first thing that left his mouth as soon as he entered the kitchen the younger idol owned.

" Co-Cockroach. " Jisung, who was hunched over the counter top opposite of the kitchen entry stuttered as he pointed towards one of the cabinets.

Minho chuckled as he took in the frightened squirrel's state. He was kinda cute sitting on the counter top with both of his legs hugged by his arms as his eyes roamed around the kitchen.

" It's just a cockroach chill. " Minho answered in between his laugh and picked up the spatula near the sink. " Now worry not because your hero is here. Where did it go you said? "

His failed attempt to joke around didn't phase Jisung, who shakily pointed towards the cabinet floor.

" Okay where did the little devil go? " Minho crouched down to see better and poked around the vessels with the spatula.

" Be careful it can fly. " Warned Jisung but it was too late as the little devil had already shown it's appearance.

" AAHHHH!!!! " An embarrassingly high-pitched scream left Minho's mouth and he found himself sitting beside Jisung on the countertop with same hunched position.

" WHY DO YOU THINK I'M SITTING HERE WITH A FREAKING COLANDER ON MY HEAD! " Indeed Jisung was wearing a colander on his head that Minho forgot to notice earlier.


" THEN YOU WOULD HAVE LET ME DIE HERE? HOW RUDE! " Jisung pushed on Minho's arm, almost making him stumble off the counter.

" Listen how about we work as a team? " The sudden stop in shouting the sentence on the top of his lungs to speaking in a whisper forced Jisung to hear what the older had to say. " How about one of us distract the little devil and I go and call the pest control? "

Jisung immediately nodded. " Yeah you should distract it and I'll go call the pest control. " And before Jisung could walk around the counter Minho held his hand.

" Wait, I'll go and call the pest control and you distract the devil. "

" No no! It's my house you don't know where the phone is, I'll go and call and you deal with the devil. "

" I have my own phone to call so I'll go and you stay. " Their hushed whispers as they thought of plan turned into heated banter as they fought back and forth to decide a role.

" Rock paper scissors! " The sudden call by Jisung had a reflexive response by Minho who held a paper.
" Hah! I win so I call, you distract. "

" No it's not fair! You took me by surprise! " Minho protested and held Jisung's arm, preventing him from leaving.

" Stop being a scardy cat and go face the devil as my hero! Can't you do this simple thing for your bias? "

Minho gasped at the emotional blackmail. " Who said you're my bais! And who said I'll distract a roach for my bias! "

" Don't lie here Minho. I know I'm your bias. I could feel by how much you were blushing earlier! " Minho once again gasped in mock offense.

" I was. Not. Blushing earlier! It was just because I was fuming in anger! "

" Yeah then go and show your anger on the little beast! "

" You can't convince me to face that little pest with wings! I can deal with a terrestrial pest but not a flying one. What if it flies towards my face or worse flies inside my ear?! " Instinctually both kept their hands on their ears.

" Why the hell would it go inside your ear!! " Jisung whined as he felt his skin crawl in disgust.

" You can never predict a flying devil with disgusting face! " Jisung groaned in defeat.

" Fine we'll play rock paper scissors thrice and whoever wins most rounds will go and call, okay? " Minho nodded and got ready to show his sign.

" Rock paper scissors! "

" Rock.. paper scissors! "

" Rock paper.. scissors!! "
Minho once again groaned and whined like a kid while Jisung only celebrated in triumph.

" Now go and distract that bitch! " Minho had a sour face but reluctantly held the spatula in his hands again. " I'll sign your album after this okay? "

His attempt to bribe Minho worked successful as Minho took a brave step on the floor but it quickly depleted as soon as the devil flew outside the cabinet and in a chaotic series of events both the humans jumped in fright and scrambled outside the kitchen and entered the first room with a door which was slammed shut after both had entered.

" Shit that roach almost went into my ear. "

" Eww shut up Minho! " Jisung groaned in disgust as he plopped on the bed in tiredness.

" Now how do we get out of here? " Minho questioned as he glanced around the room he was in. It was a bedroom no doubt with a queen sized bed and a table filled with numerous papers spread on it and a cupboard in one corner. Other than the furniture a single frame of three people, Minho recognised as 3racha sat on the bedside table.

" We don't. We live the rest of our life here. " Jisung sighed from his position on the bed.

Minho hesitantly walked inside and sat on the foot of the bed as his eyes continued to roam around the bedroom. He never would have thought he would be in his bias's room and be sooo close to him.

Surprisingly he wasn't panicking and was rather calm or maybe it was the adrenaline from the encounter with that little flying beast earlier talking.

" You atleast have some food in here? I wouldn't want to die of starvation. "

" You can always jump from the window you know. " Minho turned around and gave a blank stare towards the younger who only smiled innocently.

Minho would have if Jisung didn't live in a penthouse, 6 floors above ground. He very much loved himself to die by breaking a few bones.

" I never would have thought you to be someone so rude. You always seemed like a pretty angel. " Jisung pouted in fake innocence.

" How am I rude? I'm just being considerate as I also don't want you die of starvation. " Minho only scoffed and turned around to continue inspecting the room with his eyes.

Suddenly Jisung gasped. " Wait you consider me pretty? And like an angel? " He had a cocky smile on his face that Minho didn't dare turn around to.

" Nope. I didn't say that. "

" No you did~ " Jisung sing-sang as he sat up on the bed. " Tell me? Do you consider me cute? Or hot? Or maybe elegant. " As he said that, he stricked a funny pose with his one hand held up and other on his hip, as if he's Marilyn Monroe.

" I find you annoying. " Minho said and stood up.

" Annoyingly handsome. That I am. " Jisung sighed in content and once again fell back on his bed.

Minho only shook his head and smiled to himself in secret.
" No doubt, you are. "


Okay I hv written the ending but I'm not too sure abt the epilogue

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