17 - Mimo?

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" Oh.


God! "

" So you wanna start unpacking or are you gonna move around the living room, then to the balcony and then to your bedroom bed again? " Hyunjin questioned with a bored expression as he waited for his excited friend to stop jumping around the ' coziest, warmest, spacious, a low balconied with the best view of the river accompanied by the gentle wind that he could sit by at evening sipping tea and bathe in the sunset with a book on his lap ' apartment.

" This is coziest, warm— "

" Warmest, spacious, low balconied with the best view of the river accompanied by the gentle wind that you can sit by at evening sipping tea and bathe in the sunset with a book on your lap. Yeah I have heard you. For like 5 times already since I have arrived. " Hyunjin deadpanned and Minho only scoffed.

" You're just jealous that you don't get to move out in such a pretty apartment. " Now it was hyunjin's turn to scoff.

" I need the money okay? Plus I can't survive on my own. Like think about my food, my laundry, my health and everything. Yeah no, I can't survive on my own. " He shook his head. Did I mention this boy was a spoiled rich brat? That he lived in a mansion? And that he had maids doing all the above mentioned things for him?

Minho kinda envied him but at the same time he didn't because even if his own parents weren't filthy rich, they were rich enough to satisfy his own needs.

" Besides, who told you that you're living alone? I'll be here 24/7 you know? Consider me your roommate. " Hyunjin plopped onto the sofa with a content sigh.

" Right so then start cleaning that cupboard over there and put those books on the shelf near the bedroom balcony door and then you can start by putting the dishes in the kitchen drawers. Ah and also, don't forget to arrange that cat tree over there. " Minho pointed towards the corner near the living room balcony. " And before I forget, you're cooking me dinner and I'll start by tomorrow. As your roommate. "

" On second thought, I think my mom asked me to buy some dog food. The last of portion ended and you know how kkammi gets if I don't feed her at her designated time. So bye! " Hyunjin immediately sauntered towards the door and without waiting for a reply he was out the door.

Minho chuckled to himself before turning towards the cardboard boxes filled with his things. His parents helped him move almost everything yesterday but some of the things like his gaming consoles were left unpacked so he started unpacking everything and putting them in their designated place.

The apartment was quiet as he hummed a song to himself.
" I sooo could get used to this. " He sighed in content at the quietness of the apartment.


" I so could not get used to this. " His left eye twitched as the strong base travelled through the ceilings and vibrated along his whole apartment. He could even feel himself vibrating along with the drums.

" What. the. hell. " He huffed and with angry steps walked towards the balcony.
" It's freaking 2 am and some of us are tryna sleep! So kindly shut the heck up! "

He yelled at the top of his lungs and almost cried in joy when the music stopped. However as soon as he had stepped foot inside his bedroom again to maybe sleep after a long day of unpacking, the base started again but this time louder.

" Ughhh. " Turning towards the balcony again, he yelled. " SHUT THAT HOLE ON YOUR FACE! "

This time his yelling fell on deaf ears as the music continued. Biting his lips in anger, his sleep deprived and tired body led him outside his apartment and towards the stairs as his thumping footsteps enchoed around the silent building.

He stopped infront of the door exactly above his own apartment and without thinking twice he knocked or more like punched the door.

There was some shuffling heard and the music stopped. He could hear someone asking with a timid voice. " Who's there? "

He didn't reply and just waited with crossed arms for the door to open and the murderer of his sleep to show his face so that he could give a nice smooch to the stranger's face with his fist.

He once again heard some shuffling and something falling down along with a string of curses before the door handle turned.

Minho got ready to start cursing his heart out but as soon as the door opened he felt his throat closing up as he forgot what speaking felt like.

" Yes? " Minho blinked, blinked and blinked. What is he supposed to say? To this stranger? To this pretty pretty stranger? To his bias? Han freaking Jisung?!?

" N-Nice weather right? " Minho immediately cursed himself as soon as the words left his mouth.

What the heck Minho!? Who says that?!?

Well what else am I supposed to say?!?! That hey asshole stop blasting the next possible comeback song at 2 so that I can sleep? Are you you freaking nuts?!? This your chance! Grab it!

" Uh.. yeah.. " Jisung himself was lost at words as he took in the familiar face. He was fighting off a smile that was threatening to spill from his face as he took in the appearance of the boy that ran around in his mind for the past 3 months.

" Well then have a nice night as well. Thank you. " Minho bowed at perfectly 90° before running off towards the stairs again.

" Minho wait! " He suddenly halted in his steps and felt like he would drop dead at the moment.

His bias, Han freaking Jisung, just called his name! He remembered his name!

Minho wouldn't mind if he were to die right now after knowing that his bias remembered him.

" Minho? That's your name right? " Jisung tilted his head in confusion. He was never good with names but he was pretty sure that he remembered the name correctly. But then seeing Minho frozen in his steps with his back towards Jisung without any response made him question whether he heard it correct.

" Was it mimo? " He muttered to himself as Minho slowly turned around.

" Y-You know M-me? " He seriously wanted to die on spot as he realised he sounded like a cringy fangirl while stuttering like that.

" Yeah. You came for our fan-sign right? " Jisung had a smile on his face as he waited for Minho to snap out of whatever daze he was in.

" You remember me. " He mumbled with a lovesick smile. " J. One remembered me. " And he felt his mind shutting off. The last thing he saw was the floor approaching him and fast.

Maybe it was him approaching the floor.



That was quite dramatic tbh

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