05 - I'm Gay?!

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" Min, meet my secretary slash best friend, Yang Jeongin. " The older introduced as he barged into an office unannounced scaring the poor male sitting behind the office desk.

" How many times did I tell you to knock Mr. Lee? " Jeongin said with a stern voice despite him adding a formal address at the end of the sentence.

" Innie my child, how have you been? " Mentioned person rolled his eyes at his boss slash best friend.

" Shit, since you decided to show up just now after a whole week off. " He said with a sigh and both the Minho's could see the dark circles hanging below the secretary's eyes but only one of them being guilty.

" Well I had to spend some time with my lovely lovely husband. " The older said with a shrug taking a seat in front of the desk Jeongin was sitting at.

" And who's this? " The secretary asked now staring at the younger Minho with scrutinizing gaze as he was still wearing a mask. The younger looked at his older self for approval and once he saw him nodding, he carefully removed his mask ready to face the shocked expression from the secretary which by the way never came.

" Were you busy making baby version of yourself or something this whole week, Mr. Lee? " He questioned as if it was something very plausible only causing Minho to grin.

" No, he is me but from the past. " His expression was completely different from seungmin. Jeongin looked like he didn't believe Minho one bit but nodded for the sake of it.

" Yeah okay. Hello Junior Minho. I'm Jeongin and you'll call me hyung because of course I'm older than you. " He said not minding much about this whole weird situation and went back to his computer screen to continue typing.

" And Mr. Lee, now that you're here there are some papers that needs to be signed ignoring the other bunch of papers which need to be finalised that you pushed for a whole week. " He said with an evil smile as he knew he wasn't letting Minho go without making him work for the whole week he was missing.

The older sighed as he knew there was no escaping it. " Fine but I'll only sign today's paper and let's push the week long papers for another week because I have to show Junior Min around. "

" Yeah yeah whatever. " Jeongin said as he stood up and removed a heavy bunch of papers and placed on the desk in front of Minho who looked like he might pass out till he was done with even half of it.
" You sign these while I take a much needed nap. And yes wake me up when you're done. "  He said with a menacing smile and plopped on the couch kept in the corner of the office.

In another second he was out like a light, soft snores filling the office causing Minho to sigh but not in annoyance because he knew how it was Jeongin who kept the company working when Minho decided to ' spend time with his lovely lovely husband '.

" You can help yourself around while I complete these files and then we can grab lunch okay? " The younger nodded not knowing anything about what Jeongin and his older self was talking about and decided to look around the office while he was at it.

" Can I go outside? " He questioned and the older only hummed as he had his nose buried deep into the stack of papers he needed to sign.

He decided to keep the mask on as he strolled out of the office and looked around the floor he was standing on. While in elevator, he remembered seeing 30 floors and one being exclusive for the CEO only. He wondered if he could go on that floor because logically he was the CEO.

He shrugged and entered the elevator and pressed the 31st floor but a security scanner popped on the screen. Minho huffed before pressing the floor he was previously on.

As soon as the elevator dinged he walked to the door he knew Minho was in and entered without knocking.

" Can I go to your office on the top floor? " He questioned and Minho removed a keycard from his pocket.

" Sure but don't mess with anything. " The older felt like a father when his child asks to go play in his office and the thought made him smile to himself.

" Sure! " He nodded and happily kept the keycard in his pocket and ran towards the elevator again.

He received a confused look from the people working on that floor but he didn't mind them. From their point of view it looked like a teenager running around the crowd of people working in the building. On normal days someone might have stopped him to ask what he was doing here but they saw him walking in with the CEO so they knew better than to stop and interrogate him.

He pressed the 31st floor button again and this time after scanning the keycard on the security scanner, the door opened for Minho to enter. He was surprised by how the architecture of this floor was completely different from what he saw on other floors.

It was more modern and just when he thought the normal floors were lavish enough, he stepped on the topmost floor that looked like it was designed by the most expensive architect and it shined bright due to the ceiling long window overlooking the city.

" Holy moly. " He muttered as he stepped inside.

" Might as well add a bed

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" Might as well add a bed. " He muttered as he eyed a long white couch along with few small couch chairs scattered around the room.

He walked towards the windows and immediately stepped back when his acrophobia spiked as soon as his brain registered the height he was on.

" Why is his office this high if he is scared of height? " He muttered while walking away from the windows to calm himself a little.

He walked around the office table and his gaze landed on a familiar photo frame on the desk. It was his wedding picture, the one with two males and his parents on either side.

Wait two males?

His eyes widened when the new information registered in his brain. When he first saw the picture, he was too shaken up to rightly process what he saw but now that he could see it in the bright light of midday he realized something he ignored at first.

I am gay?!



Big boy didn't know he gay.

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