12 - Back from the future

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" Minho! "
It must be 8 already, is the first thought that crossed the tired teenagers mind as he heard his mother calling.
" You're gonna be late for school! "

He groaned and tossed around in his bed before covering his ears with his blanket. Why can't Sunday last long? Why do we have a single Sunday but 6 Mondays?

Minho always hated how quick Sunday seemed to pass by while Monday and every other day of the week dragged on and on in a never ending loop.

" Last call for breakfast before I go and water my plants and then you can eat whatever you would find in the kitchen. " His mother's warning entered his bedroom along with the smell of fresh chocolate donuts and he had to begrudgingly wake up when his stomach growled at the mention accompanied with delicious smell of food.

It was weird how he suddenly felt hungry because he never felt hungry first thing in the morning as it made him nauseous. He certainly didn't like having breakfast as soon as he was out of bed but weirdly today he wanted nothing but to jump out of bed and eat the fresh breakfast his mom had seemed to prepare like an elephant.

And that's what he did. With heavy thumping steps, he ascended down the stairs and slumped onto the countertop chairs where a plate full of chocolate glazed donuts were ready to be devoured.

" Did you even wash your face? " His mom questioned as she took in the state of her son. His hairs where no less than a nest and his eyes were half open. He even had some drool on the corner of his lips that made Mrs. Lee sigh.

" Wash your hands and face before eating or I'm feeding this to your dad and you won't have any. "

" Dad has diabetes though. "

" I'm sure a little bit of donuts won't spike it. I have stopped eating sugar altogether after all. " His dad entered the kitchen as soon as he had heard the mention of donuts in addition to his name.

" See Minho. Go and wash your face fast or else I won't be able to save your precious donuts from your dad. " Suddenly aware of the situation he was in, Minho bolted out of the kitchen and towards the common bathroom in the hallway.

" I'm done I'm done. " He was panting with half wet face as he sat down on the kitchen stool again. He didn't even hesitate before taking a bite of the donut and sigh at the taste.

" You're the best cook mom! Have you ever considered opening a bakery? "

" Yeah so you and your dad could have an excuse to eat sweets everyday right? " His mom narrowed her eyes and Minho giggled. Even though his dad had diabetes, he still was a sucker for sweets and would deliberately eat some even if mom would scold him afterwards

He suffered from diabetes mellitus so a small pill of insulin usually brings his sugar level back to normal but still he had been advised to control his sugar intake. But would he ever listen? Nope. He was Minho's dad afterall.

Minho, however as mentioned before shared the love for spicy food with his mom. Taste from his mom and stubborness from his dad, he was the perfect blend of both.

" Ummmm I'm gonna miss your cooking when I leave for college. " This sudden topic bought a gloomy feeling over the Lee household. He had priorly informed his parents about his plan to move out after high school and of course his parents had prepared themselves for this very day since he was child but still, they were sad that their only son was going away from them.

" Have you looked for an apartment yet? " His dad asked to divert the sad environment that had settled into the kitchen. Minho shook his head.

" I was thinking of living somewhere close by so I can visit you both often. "

" You just don't want to cook and you would always be here for lunch and dinner, I can bet." His mom playfully glared and Minho chuckled guiltily.

" It's because I love your cooking mom. That's why I would always come here for food you know. " Minho winked and his mother only shook her head with a small smile.

" Well if you need help, you can always ask me son. " His dad kept a supporting hand on his shoulder and Minho felt glad for the parents he had. He nodded with a wide smile and they returned back to the family conversation they were having while laughter and warm atmosphere filled the kitchen with love.


" Huh? What's this? " Minho digged his hand into his pocket and removed a piece of paper with metal ridges.

" What is this? " He tilted his head in confusion as he searched for a memory to explain what this weird paper was doing in his pant pocket.

He turned the paper around to see small and delicate handwriting on the paper. It read,

" 19th June 2026

You can be anything,
You are everything.

P.s Husband <3 "

" Eh? Husband? Whose husband? " Minho scratched the back of his head at the confusing note and discarded it on his bathroom table to continue with the thing he was doing.


To take a shower. He stepped into the warm shower and sighed. Today was gonna be a long day and he can already guess it.

After he was done showering and getting ready, he left for school after biding his parents goodbye.

At the front gate of the school stood his best friend in all his model looking glory, with hands in his pocket as he leaned against the gate wall.

The girls passing by him were drooling at the sight of the handsome male.

" Today's gonna be a good day!why? Cuz I just saw god first thing in the morning!! "

He could mentally hear the squeals of the girls passing by and he even saw the boys eye his best friend weirdly.

" Why are the guys staring at you like that? " Minho questioned as he approached his best friend who smiled at him in greeting.

" They're probably jealous. " He dismissed with a laugh. But minho shook his head.

" Their look.. it was weirdly similar to those.. girls..? " He was unsure himself but Hyunjin laughed out loud at his statement.

" Guess I made them gay panic. " Minho only blinked his eyes as the new word entered his brain.

Gay panic.

It's real?


I forgot to update TT cuz I hv been really busy this whole week

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