10 - FeLiX

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" Where is he? " A blonde freckled chick yelled as soon as the door opened and he burst into the house like a hooligan.

" Calm down Felix. He's upstairs. " 28 year old Minho calmly responded to the Australian male who was beaming in excitement.

" I told Chan to remind me when you arrive from 2016, but he didn't even tell me until I was done with my shoot! "

" Because I knew you would want to meet younger Minho and then won't even let the poor soul roam around the future by clinging to his side all day long. " It was Chan who replied as he placed a peck on his boyfriend's cheek in greeting.

" But it's not fair. It's 8 already, I don't even have 10 hours to properly meet Minho and introduce myself. " Felix was obviously pouting as he complained to his boyfriend.

" I think 5 hours would be enough? " Older Minho responded/questioned. And Felix visibly denied.

" Why 5 hours? I still have 7 hours right? "

" Nope. Jisung is talking to him now so you'll have to wait for your turn. " Changbin joined the conversation with a can of cola in his hand.

Felix visibly sulked like a baby and immediately Chan came to the rescue as he suggested.

" How about we play Mario cart while we wait? "


The teenager was standing on the balcony taking a deep breath in as he replayed all the things that have happened uptil now. He didn't want to forget the stories that have been told to him but he knew it was inevitable to not forget them once he returned.

He was just happy of the fact that he'll get to live it in a few years and honestly he can't wait.

The balcony door slowly opened and Jisung walked in. He smiled his sweet gummy smile once the younger turned around at the sound.

" Here. It's cold outside. " Jisung extended the soft fur blanket in his hand which the younger took with a grateful smile.

" Thank you. " Silence filled the surrounding as they stood side by side and bathed in the company of each other.

" Can I ask you something? " Minho's gentle voice reached Jisung's ear and he nodded.
" How did you feel when you first saw Minho? "

Jisung didn't hesitate as he answered in the equally gentle voice so as to not disturb the tranquil atmosphere.

" I had a particularly bad day before the fan sign day. But as an Idol, we were always told to hide our true emotions and smile like nothing happened. So that's what I did on that day you came for the fan sign.

I was greeting everyone with a smile and laughs but you noticed. " Minho noted how Jisung referred to him and not his older self and unknowingly smiled.

" As soon as it was your turn to meet me, you asked, ' Why are you sad? ' I was of course shocked that you noticed even if I thought I was being convincing acting like nothing happened and didn't know how to reply, so you continued, ' You don't have to tell me but you know there are people always behind you that wants to make sure you're okay so find them and tell them if something or someone bothers you, I'm sure they'll kick their asses away. ' "

Jisung chuckled at the memory just as he had when Minho said that 10 years ago.
" It honestly made my heart flutter like it haven't before and you somehow made me feel better. I was seriously disheartened that it was probably the first and the last time I was going to see you but fate has a strange way of bringing people together because soon you were done with high school and coincidentally you moved in the same apartment building as mine.

I wanted to get to know you and I did and it was the best decision I had ever made my whole life. " Jisung was genuinely smiling as he faced the calm sky.

Minho stared at him starstruck and suddenly realised that this man was going to his. As if he hadn't fully came to the realisation of the fact, his heart thudded against his chest.

He quickly averted his gaze when he felt his heart flutter and his questions that he asked when he was first going to meet his future husband were answered. He did feel the spark and he didn't know if it was a good thing or not.

Knock knock

" Are you all done? I'm waiting for the past hour. " Felix's muffled voice came through the balcony door as he pressed his face to it.

Jisung chuckled at his Australian best friend and nodded.
" He'll die if we don't go in soon. "

The younger didn't mind meeting this new person as he was already curious so he nodded and followed along when Jisung opened the door.

" Awe sweet little Minho!! " Minho didn't not expect to get crushed into a bear hug as soon as he entered the room again by a practical stranger and he could already guess what type of personality this Lee Felix yongbok had.

" He can't breathe Felix. " Jisung tried to pry the excited Australian's hands away only for him to tighten it more which caused Minho to gasp as he tapped his strangler's arm to maybe hint at the air being sucked out of his throat.

" Oh oh, I'm sorry are you okay? Can you breathe? Look at me. Let me see your eyes. How many fingers do you see? " Minho had a hard time processing what the freckled chick wanted from him but as soon he saw two fingers being showed near his eyes, he yelped.

He unknowingly ducked behind Jisung as he tried to maintain some distance between himself and the hyperactive chicken.

Jisung chuckled at the visible pout on his best friend when he realised that he might have scared the poor time traveller and now he might be a teeny tiny bit scared of him.

Yeah teeny tiny. Not like a lot.

" How about we calm down, lix? I'm sure Minho would like some personal distance here. " The mentioned person vigorously nodded as he peeked behind from Jisung's shoulder to glance at the blonde male.

Felix though reluctant, he did step away a little and waited for the scared kitten to come out of his hiding place.

" Umm hello? I'm Minho. "

Um maybe he wasn't that excited to meet this person now.


Did i mention the story's is gonna go slow? With many filler chapters? Yes this is one of the many.

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