20 - Hey sung

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" Minho Minho Minho! " His sleep was once again disrupted as his front door was relentlessly knocked.

He sighed as he could guess who was outside his door at 3 am.

" What? " He questioned as soon as he opened his door.

" I have this really important thing to tell you! " The younger said and pushed Minho aside to walk inside his apartment as if he owned it.

After the incident that happened 6 months ago. Jisung and Minho have surprisingly grown closer and closer. They were best friends now, or maybe something more, if we consider them always being together on their day off or going on dates or even having cooking dates at either of their places but they don't talk about it. Neither do they know where they stand. They just like being in each other's company and that included Jisung barging into Minho's apartment at ungodly hours.

Minho sighed but still sat beside Jisung on his sofa. Minho didn't even question before the younger had started talking.

" So we are having a concert next month. " Jisung started and Minho nodded him to continue. " And a world tour following it. "

Minho hummed as he knew the normal pattern 3racha followed after every comeback. They would have encore stages in Seoul and then a concert, after that they would visit several countries in Europe for the next 2 months.

Jisung paused as he waited for Minho to react. " Hmm okay. "

" Okay? " Jisung questioned in confusion. " You know I'll be gone for 2 months right and would be hella busy for the upcoming month too right? "

" Yeah I know. You always are after every comeback. " Minho shrugged nonchalantly as Jisung only frowned.

" Aren't you like.. sad or.. maybe upset that we won't get to meet for the next 3 months? "

" Why would I be? Its your job afterall. I can't stop you from doing your job. " He was right. Jisung knew that Minho was right that it was his job but still, he thought Minho would be sad or maybe miss him for these 3 months because he knew he would. He would miss the older even when he could still text him when he is getting ready to go on stage or when he has small breaks between his dance practices or when he would be in the middle of a fansign event.

He knew he grew attached to the older fast and till now he thought it was a mutual feeling but now he was questioning things. Did he seem too clingy? Would Minho be happy when Jisung is away?

His mind had started overthinking every thing that was there and wasn't there. His fingers fiddled with each other and his eyes stared at his lap as the gears in his mind turned invisibly.

" Don't you have an early morning practice tomorrow? Why are you still awake? " Minho questioned as he glanced towards the clock which read 2.47 am. He knew how much Jisung loved sleeping and hated waking up early in the morning.

He would be grumpy and whine at every single thing if his 8 hours sleep didn't complete.

" Come on, I'll take you to your apartment. " Minho stood up and held his hand towards the younger to take.

" Yeah you are right. " Jisung answered with audible dejection. He held Minho's hand and let himself be dragged out the older's apartment and towards his own.

" Don't drink a lot of coffee tomorrow when you wake up. I know your sleep won't be complete and you'll feel grumpy but it's bad for your health so eat breakfast first and then you can drink a little to soothe your headache. " Jisung nodded absent-mindly.

" Why do you have all these clothes thrown around? I told you to keep them in the laundry basket after you change them. " Minho nagged just like he always does when he enters the messy apartment of the younger idol.

He let go of Jisung and gathered the clothes to throw them into the laundry basket. " You should go and brush your teeth. I'll leave once I have tucked you into your bed. "

Jisung once again nodded and mechanically entered his bathroom. He wondered when he'll again be tucked into his bed again.

" Probably after 3 months. " Jisung mumbled to himself and sighed. Maybe he was the only one who's gonna miss all of this. Being able to barge into older's apartment and staying late up at night either binging a show or just talking about their day and then when Jisung falls asleep on the older's couch, Minho would bring him too his own apartment and tuck him to bed.

But now he'll be too tired after the days practice and all that as a result he'll be out as soon as his head hits his pillow. He won't be able to pay his best friend his nightly visit anymore. Atleast for these 3 months.

" Done? " Minho questioned once he has closed all the lights of the house other than the dim light of the hallway for when he leaves.

Jisung nodded and lied down in his bed. " Good night min. "

Minho smiled at the nickname. He loved it with all his heart but would never admit it out loud because let's face it, he's a coward. Just like how he would never admit how much he's gonna miss the younger idol because he's afraid he'll be stopping Jisung from doing what he loves.

Just like how he would never admit how much he liked the younger because he knew idols can't be in a relationship.

Maybe when he no longer be able to resist the strong urge to kiss the younger good night, maybe then he'll say that he liked Jisung too.

Maybe someday, but for now he settled on,
" Good night sung. "


' Love wins all ' MV by IU is sooo sad n the song itself is sooo gudd.
The concept of the camera n all just hv my 💜

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