07 - 3Racha

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He stepped closer and held the frame. He recognized the two people posing for the photo.
One was his older self and other was who he assumed to be his 'future husband' but why did he look familiar if he never saw him before?

He squinted his eyes as he racked his brain for the face he swore he had seen before, but where?

Suddenly his mind went blank as a single thought crossed his mind.

3racha's J. One.

His favorite boygroup 3racha that he worshipped since he was 15. He knew all three members by heart without even meeting them in real life. He knew their names, birthdate and even the hair colour each one had in each era of their music career.

How could he forget the face of his bias?

" Han Jisung. " His voice shook as he realized the situation he was in. He was going to meet his idol who was also his husband but not really but was gonna be his husband but how can he when they never met but then again Minho knew him but Jisung didn't so why are they husbands then? No but since it's future and—

He cut his thoughts off as he heard footsteps approaching him. He fixed his shirt and then racked fingers through his hair to make himself a little bit presentable and then checked his breath, rubbing his hands on his jeans due to how sweaty they got.

When he heard a voice behind him, he took a deep breath and turned around with a neutral smile which fell as soon as he made eye contact with the males standing in front of him.

His eyes widened and he let out an unnatural shriek causing the other two to shout along.

" CB97 and spearb!!! "

His eyes were widened while his heart was beating crazy. Even crazy couldn't describe the way his heart was beating as he felt like he was going under a heart attack. His hands were shaking but not due to fear but from nervousness and the disbelief of meeting his idols.

He was prepared to meet J. One but not CB97 and spearb which took him by surprise that he couldn't utter anything when they both looked at him in shock and worry.

" Are you okay? " Chan questioned as he took a careful step towards him.

" I'm. Not. No! I mean yes!! I'm fine! " He stuttered as he tried to normal his breathing. He probably looked like a hyper fan trying to stay calm while meeting someone special but was just making a bigger mess by stuttering, after all he was too enchanted by his idols that he didn't know what he was saying.

" You don't seem okay. " Changbin said as he peered at him with concerned eyes.

" I-I'm really fine, spearb. " He said with an awkward chuckle.

" Oh it's been a long time since someone called me that. " He said with an amused smile while Minho's eyebrows raised in confusion.

" B-But aren't you 3racha's member? " He questioned and Chan shook his head in response.

" We disbanded 4 years ago. " And Minho's heart fell. He was sad even though he knew it meant that in his past life they won't disband for like 5-6 years.

" Oh no, why are you getting sad? It was our own decision. " Chan said suddenly panicking when he saw the younger's lips trembling and his eyes threatening to spill the tears he was trying to hold back.

" But why?! " And with that he started crying. Quickly Chan and changbin stepped forward to hug him for comfort.

" Hey buddy, it's okay. Please don't cry. " Chan said while rubbing his back. He and Changbin shared a glance, it was the same situation they faced when they first announced that they are disbanding. He remembered how sad their fans were and how much Minho cried when he saw the news even though he already knew that they were gonna disband atleast an year before.

He was a die hard fan after all not only because his boyfriend of that time was a member of the group but because he found comfort in the songs 3racha made.
It explained why Minho then and Minho now was crying. It's like snatching the favorite toy out of a kids hand which he kept with him during night for comfort, and now he had nothing to keep the monster that hunt the night away from the little kid.

The two members tried to comfort Minho as much as they could while he cried and after some time only sniffles were heard.

" Why? " His voice came out as a whisper as he sat on the sofa in the living room with Chan and Changbin sitting in front of him. " Why did you disband? " He said a little loudly to let them hear properly.

" Because we decided to focus more on our life. Changbin found himself a boyfriend while Jisung was already engaged to you and I was starting to like someone. Y'know how it gets when someone famous starts dating, while most people are supportive there are a few people still trying to stalk and find something spicy to reveal. We were getting tired of hiding our relationships so we decided it's time we focus on ourselves instead of the world. " Chan explained and Minho nodded in understanding, though his lips were set in a pout.

A part of him was happy that his favorite people were happy with their favorite people but a part of him would still miss the comfort their songs would bring him but then again he didn't need to worry about them disbanding for the next 6 years when he goes back.

" Wait! Can I hear all the unreleased songs?! " His mood quickly changed when he realized that he could hear the songs that are still to be released after 2016.

Chan and Changbin chuckled and nodded. " You'll forget them anyways. " Changbin said causing Minho to pout.

" But wait— how do you know me? I mean why aren't you surprised? " He questioned with confused, narrow eyes.

" I told them. " His older self appeared along with a familiar yet a stranger behind him.

" Hi Minho. " He said with a giggle and if he didn't faint when he saw CB97 and Spearb before, he probably did now when he saw his bias in his full glory, looking more handsome than in the posters and photocards he kept in his shrine.. ahem I mean bedroom.


Didn't mean to make myself sad by thinking about skz disbanding but i srsly won't remain as happy if they ever did.

P. S i totally did not forget to update. Nope not.

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