06 - Husband?

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" Minho!! " He yelled as soon as he barged through the office which belonged to his secretary who was also dozing off on the couch in the exact room.

" Am I gay? " He questioned panting between breaths when Minho raised a brow in question.

" Oh. Well I didn't mean to out your sexuality but yes, you are. " He took in how his younger self looked shocked of himself. It's not like he was a homophobe or something, it just took him extra time to come in terms with his sexuality.

He remembered when he first started questioning his sexuality. It was when he was 19 and his heart started beating in an unnatural pace for someone who was also his husband now.

" Look, you don't have to put in a lot of thoughts right now because I'm sure when it's the right time, you'll figure yourself out. " He assured and gave a comforting pat on his shoulder.

" W-Who is your husband? " He questioned. If what Minho told him was right then he should feel something for his future husband right? So knowing who he is would help him understand better.

" Let's meet him. But after I'm done with this last paper okay? " He questioned softly, already seeing the turmoil brewing inside his younger self through his eyes.

He nodded hesitantly. Soon enough the older was done with the papers and walked towards his secretary to gently wake him up.

" Huh? Are you done? " Jeongin said, his voice thick with sleep while he rubbed his eyes to forcefully wake himself up.

" Yeah, I'm taking the last week's papers home so that I can finish them too after dinner, is that okay? " He softly questioned and Jeongin nodded in relief. His boss acted like a child sometimes but he knew how hard it was to be a CEO of such a big company. Sometimes even the CEO deserved a break but he would always return to his work when he realized his secretary might be more stressed due to his habit of putting off work.

Once Jeongin was fully awake, his eyes travelled behind his boss slash best friend to see the same boy he saw when they first entered his office.

" So I wasn't dreaming. " He chuckled at his own thought, thinking he was hallucinating due to lack of sleep but now that he was more aware, he saw two Minho's. An older and a younger one.

" Do you want me to explain? " The older questioned but received a head shake.
" Maybe some other time? I already have too much on my plate to know why there are two of you in my office. " He said with a chuckle and stood up from his couch stretching his arms.

" I'm assuming I'll never see you again? " He questioned while extending his hand towards the younger Minho because he had read too many fictional stories to know people who travel to the future never stay and must return back to where they belong.

Minho shook his head and accepted the hand shake. The whole exchange was so calm that the younger questioned if Jeongin knew something about this whole time travelling shit to not react shocked or surprised but then he pushed the thought aside when his older self stood up to leave.

" We'll leave you to work then? " He questioned the second youngest who dismissed with a shake of hand before placing himself behind his computer again.

" How is he so calm about all of this? " His older self just shrugged.

" As he said he is too busy to deal with another shit. " The younger nodded as they once again took a seat in the car owned by the older and sped towards somewhere unknown to him.

" Where are we going now? " The older grinned before answering.

" To meet my husband. " A fond smile placed on his lips at thought of meeting his husband but the younger only hummed as he thought of all the possibility that may occur when he meets this 'Husband'.

Like will he feel a spark when he sees this person or would he feel indifferent because it would need some time for him to actually fall for this person. Would he like this person or he'll hate him at first and then eventually start liking him?

" How did you meet him? " He questioned the older before he could dwell more on his thoughts.

" I knew him before I met him but the first time I actually met him was during a fansign event. " His younger self scrunched his eyebrows.

" So he liked the same idol as you? " Older Minho chuckled and shook his head.

" He's the idol. "

The younger's eyes widened and suddenly he jumped in excitement at the thought of meeting an idol even if he didn't know who.

" Do I know him? " He questioned while batting his eyelashes in excitement.

" You'll know him soon enough. " He said while parking in front of yet another tall building which wasn't as tall as the Lee enterprises but just as good looking as it.

" You stay here? " He questioned when they passed the reception desk where a big board was placed on the wall behind it with all the names of people who owned an apartment in the building.

" Um hm. " He hummed and pressed the topmost button of the elevator. His younger self rocked on his heels as he patiently waited for the elevator to reach their floor.

" I'm home. " The older announced and entered inside the penthouse.

" Oh Min! I'm upstairs. " A faint voice was heard in the huge apartment and the older followed the voice while his younger self was frozen in his steps.

" Holy moly again. " He muttered in disbelief as he looked around the penthouse.

After he was done gawking at the huge apartment, he realised he was standing alone in the middle of the

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After he was done gawking at the huge apartment, he realised he was standing alone in the middle of the.. Living room? He guessed.

Now which stairs did Minho take?

He questioned as he scanned the stairs.
" Why are there so many stairs? Might as well install an elevator. " He huffed as decided to stay where he was because then it would be easy for the older boy to find him if he realized that someone was missing by his side.

He walked around the stairs to look into another room which seemed to be the kitchen so that means mostly bedrooms where upstairs.

While walking back to the living room he saw a photo frame placed on the coffee table near the sofa. At first it was shiny due to the direct sunlight falling onto the frame which made it difficult to see what the photo was about but once he stepped closer and held the frame, he recognized the two people posing for the photo.

One was himself and the other...

" Han Jisung?! "


Not really.

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