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Aria's P.O.V.

Laughter and music seeped through the thin walls of my apartment, crashing into my already damaged study zone. I sighed, staring at the pile of textbooks in front of me. My exam was in 4 days, and the neighbors next door were screaming at the top of their lungs to the music they're playing.

I sighed again, tossing aside the pathology book and grabbing my phone instead. I stared at the contact list for a bit and finally decided to call my friend. Again. And she was kind enough to pick up immediately.

"What do you want now?" I flinched from her voice, sounding annoyed that I call her every two hours when she's clearly trying to study too.

"Those idiots next door are blasting music again. I'm honestly gonna fail if they don't stop!" I was so pissed that I could cry.

But why cry when I can annoy my friend instead.

"Well, go tell them to turn it down!" She was even louder than the last time I called her, "They moved in a week ago, and it's been the same story every day for 7 fucking days already. File a noise complaint or something, I don't know."

I felt suffocated by the walls, the constant vibrations going through them because of how loud the music was, and her screaming, of course. Maybe all I need is some fresh air, I thought to myself, grabbing my book as I headed towards the balcony.

"I can't just do that, c'mon..."

"Why?" She interrupted me immediately, making me roll my eyes, "They're probably a bunch of dumb teenage boys, stop eating up their bullshit, just go talk to them."

"Ugh, I'll call you if anything," I was tired of the same argument.

"Please don't."

I'd be surprised if she said something nice.

I hung up the phone. I'm not sure why I call her knowing damn well that she's gonna keep suggesting the same thing over and over again, and I'm gonna say no.

I'll just try to read on the balcony.

Why do I hear the music clearer out here?

Oh, maybe because the balconies are right next to each other.

I just need to focus. Maybe I should try reading out loud.

Yes. That's a good idea.

"The histopathological examination revealed characteristic cellular changes consistent with the diagnosis of squamous-"

"Shut the fuck up before I slap you, bitch!" I hear one of their voices again, followed by inhumane chaos of pillows hitting eachother, screaming, wheezing, cursing and banging on the walls.

Definitely teenagers.

Maybe I'll just go tell them to keep it down. Definitely after they're finished beating each other up and screaming, though.

Which was after half an hour.

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