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After showering in the morning, I realized that I needed to go to the store because I was running out of shampoo.

It was unbelievably hot again. I hated the thought of going outside. But somebody had to do it, and just because I'm the only person living in this house, that somebody was me.

The weather was so suffocating that I'd go naked if I had the chance to. I ended up putting on a blue summer dress, which was short enough to potentially reveal what I was supposed to hide, if the wind blew at a wrong angle.

I grabbed my car keys, having no interest in walking under the sun whatsoever. And right as I got out of the door, I saw George getting into his house.

"Aw, cute dress," he smiled, "is it for our date?"

This guy, I swear.

"What date?" I can't believe he's still going with it.

"Coffee date," the tone was too confident. As if what he said was the answer to my question.

"I'm not going on a date with you," I locked the door and put the keys in my purse while he was busy staring at me with a stupid smile.

"You sure?" He raised a brow.


Anticipating an attempt to change my mind, I braced myself. However, his response was a simple shrug, lacking any effort to convince or alter my perspective.

"Alright then."

I'm not saying I rejected his offer to make him try harder, but like.. that easy?

"Alright," I repeated.

He's so weird. I can't explain how weird he is.


Even though all I needed was shampoo, I still got a shit ton of shower products. Not because I needed them, but because I wanted them. These will probably last me for another month. But knowing how I use too much of everything, I'll probably be back here earlier than that.

The rest of the daylight wasn't really notable. The only exciting part of it was organizing my new body scrubs, shower gels, shampoo, and conditioner. For some reason, recently, I've been obsessed with mango scented things. And everything I got today, I made sure they smelled like mangos.

I might be obsessed, but I'm happy.

And unlike the day, the night started off exciting. Even though I showered in the morning, I couldn't resist the urge to try the new products I got. And it turned out to be an everything shower. I did haircare, skincare, and even exfoliated. Then remembered that tomorrow I have my last exam and got even happier than I already was. My summer was finally about to start.

Only when I was done drying my hair and getting dressed I decided to go outside for a bit. Something was telling me George was already there, and it definitely wasn't his silhouette I saw from the window.

Don't ask me why I put lipbalm on and sprayed some perfume before going to the balcony. I don't know, and I don't want to overthink my actions.

As soon as my eyes caught George, I questionably stared at him. He was busy with something - arranging things on the table he built a few days ago.

"Oh, you're here!" He smiled, noticing me, "You have to help me a little."

He didn't even wait for me to ask what he needed help with or answer if I was willing to help or not. Before I could process or question anything, he held a tray of two glasses up.

"Come closer," he ordered, and I reflexively extended my arms to grab whatever he was handing me, "careful, don't drop it."

"What-" I grabbed the sides of the tray, careful not to spill or drop anything. He held on tight to it for a while, not daring to let go yet, "George, what the hell?"

"Shh, just do what I say," he started bossing me around again, but I was too stressed about dropping the tray to be annoyed, "alright, I'm gonna let go. Put it on the table behind you."

I think know what's going on, but I also have never been this confused.

He slowly removed his hands from the tray, and I quickly, yet carefully managed to place it on the table.

"George, what's this-" I turned around to ask him a question, but he was already holding another tray. This time with plates of desserts.

"Shh, come here."

If he shushes me one more time, I'm going to..

Probably I'm not going to do anything, but still, it pisses me off.

"What? No, that looks heavy!" I complained when he held the tray of two plates with what looked like cheesecakes on them for me to grab.

"It's not heavy, come closer," I only went because he'd been holding the tray over nothing for a minute.

"What if I drop it?" I complained, trying to position my hands comfortably.

I didn't realize how I placed my fingers ontop of his, which made both of us lock eyes abruptly. It was too late to readjust, I was too scared to make sudden movements.

"You're not gonna drop it," at least he had trust in me, "go back a bit, I'm not letting go yet."

I did as he told, taking small steps back and bringing the tray closer and closer to my balcony, while his arms extended longer and longer until they couldn't anymore. He slowly let go, fingers sliding away from under mine. And there wasn't much of a distance left for me to cross by myself. I did it with ease.

Lastly, one crucial thing was absent, yet it required no transportation. It was him, swiftly leaping over to my side, fortunately maintaining his balance without any difficulties.

"What are you even doing, oh my god.." I tried to hide a smile by putting my hand on the side of my face, but I'm not sure if it helped.

"You said you're not coming on a date, so I brought the date to you."

I hope I wasn't blushing. But my heart was pumping in my chest.

I was trying my best not to make it obvious that this was the most a guy had ever done for me, but I also felt like I was about to freak out.

To distract myself and hopefully him too, I glanced over at the trays.

"Those coffees look suspiciously alot like espresso martinis," I narrowed my eyes, fighting back a big grin.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I won't tell anyone you drank before turning 21."

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