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I went to the bathroom and started washing my whole forearm, even though the melted ice cream didn't reach that far. I scrubbed my skin a little too hard for no reason while staring at myself in the bathroom mirror and wondering what was going on in my brain.

The fact that I almost kissed George without a single thought in my head was driving me insane, and the worst part of it was that I wasn't even sure if I was judging myself for trying to kiss him, or regretting my decision of not doing it. I don't think both of those thoughts could exist at the same time, so it was definitely the one I didn't want to admit.

I could hear him walking to get the door, yet didn't dare to come out of the bathroom myself. The thought holding me back was how the whole thing would look weird to Nick, but when I realized that I was hiding in my own house while George was answering the door, the absurdity of it made me dry up my arm and get out.

He had already opened the door when I went there. It even looked like they had the time to exchange a few words. My ears caught half a sentence about George having to join something Nick was doing, but I couldn't make up the context as they quickly stopped talking when they saw me, so I just smiled cluelessly.

"Hi, Aria!" Nick smiled in return, not wasting anymore time to propose a question, "Will you mind if I steal your George?"

Blinking at him, I parted my mouth and chuckled in disbelief, "My what?"

It's not like there was much of a conversation going on, if anything, there was going to be a fight soon, but George interrupted it anyway.

"Can you bring me my phone, love?" He smiled at me sweetly, and in contrast, shot a warning glare at his friend, "It's on the table."

I left without a word, grabbed his phone, got back, and silently handed it to him. With no more interaction besides George thanking me, they both left. And I was glad that they did, cause it was actually getting super uncomfortable. Besides, I had to sleep to have some energy for tomorrow's party.

I planned an outfit, a makeup look, decided a good time to wake up to be able to complete everything and still have plenty of sleep, did my nughttime routine, and lied down.

It all sounded good in my head until I realized that I wasn't going to get any sleep for the next 3-4 hours. It sounded like somebody was getting murdered. Their laughs and screams were so unnecessarily loud that it felt like a goat was getting sacrificed in the apartment next door in some type of a ritual.

I wanted to text George and tell him to shut the fuck up, but I was quick to realize that I don't have his number or any of his socials. The only way to get in contact with them without having to get up from my bed and go to their house was by texting Clay.

I gave them another 10 minutes, but the noises never subsided. I got my phone and scrolled down to find Clay's number.

I sent him a text.

Aria: you're loud.

Only after 15 minutes he replied to my text.

Clay: huh?

Aria: it's 3 a.m.

Aria: keep it down

Clay: I'm not even home rn lmao

Clay: text George

Little did he know if I had George's number, I wouldn't text him in the first place.

Aria: tell your friends to shut up or I'm filing a noise complaint

I got off my phone and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the noises till they'd be gone. But it wasn't just the voices. Every now and then I'd hear the occasional bangs on the tables or the desks or whatever they were attacking.

Smoke Break /Georgenotfound/Where stories live. Discover now