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How much could things change in just a few weeks? A lot, turned out.

For the better or the worse? The better, surprisingly.

George started taking me out on dates. In public. I still enjoyed our stay-at-home dates more, but being outside together was different - it felt like a big step forward. It meant he didn't care about being spotted with me and that meant he was pretty serious about us.

Some things didn't change.

Knowing I had a massive sweet tooth, he'd bring me my favorite sweets almost every single day. There wasn’t a day when he knocked without his hands being occupied with something.

It was almost a routine for our lazy dates. He'd finish working, go to the store, come knocking at my door with something to snack on all night long.

Until one day, he showed up with flowers. I didn't know what type of flowers they were, but they were blue and gorgeous.

"What's the occasion?" I giggled, taking the flowers from his hand and filling in the empty spot with my own hand. I pulled lightly, getting on my tip toes to kiss his cheek, "Thank you, they're so pretty."

"There's no occasion, really. Just wanted to get them for you," he shrugged slightly, "thought the colour was pretty."

"It is so very pretty," I smiled brightly. It was especially cute because anything he would see and think it's pretty, he'd get it for me.

"Almost as pretty as you," and not only that, but he'd also associate the pretty things with me.

He followed me inside, closing the door behind him. Today was supposed to be one of our lazy days inside, so I wasn't in a hurry. I took my time to take care of the flowers before we could do anything.

George watched silently as I carefully placed the flowers in a vase, making sure to use my time to arrange them perfectly. There was something endearing about the way he was looking at me handle the flowers, smiling at the way my fingers took their time to gently adjust each and every flower until they looked just right.

George walked towards me slowly until he was standing close behind me. His arms encircled my waist, head dipping down to my neck and making me giggle. His chin perched on my shoulder, warm breath gently grazing my neck as he spoke.

"You smell so good," he murmured, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck, "good enough to scoop with a spoon and eat."

A shiver ran down my spine at the feeling of his face pressed against my neck. His words sent a flutter through my stomach, and I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my lips.

"That's an interesting way to put it," I leaned back into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his chest against my back, "and a cannibalistic one."

George chuckled softly, his chest vibrating against my back. He tightened his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

"Come on, I wanna show you something."

Before I could react, he was already leading me to the balcony. When he pulled out the keys to my balcony from his pocket and started unlocking the door, I frowned.

"Why do you have the keys?" I laughed with confusion until he pushed the door open.


A soft gasp escaped my lips as I took in the sight before me.

The balcony was filled with a variety of flowers decorating every corner. Even the floor was covered in petals, and everything was illuminated by the warm yellow glow of fairy lights draped across the railing.

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