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George's words went completely unnoticed and unaddressed by me as my brain turned to mush from the kiss. The only reaction he got out of me was the combination of sharp breaths and soft hums.

My body probably had a mind of its own because I don't recall the thought process behind straddling him and placing my hands on both sides of his neck to deepen the kiss. What I do remember vividly is the rhythmic pulsing of his carotids beneath my fingertips and the grip of his hands on my thighs, drawing me closer to him.

I was out of breath from being sick to start with, and the intensity of the kiss elevated my need to take a deep, long drag of air in order to not pass out. I broke the kiss to do just that.

"You okay?" He took in a breath as well, his tone tinged with concern as he searched my face.

"Mhm," I nodded, leaning my forehead against his, "just a bit out of breath," my lips were hovering over his, begging to be connected once again.

"You're a bit hot," he admitted, his fingers coming up to lightly brush against my cheek. I knew he could likely sense if I had a fever as accurately as a thermometer, cause well, our foreheads were practically heat conducting at the moment, and he had his tongue in my mouth seconds ago.

"Just a bit?" I couldn't resist the word play, and I'm glad I didn't, cause his grin was to die for.

I'm sure he had a witty comeback, but I didn't care enough to listen when I could be kissing him. I pulled him back in, and this time, the kiss was way more heated - both figuratively and literally cause my fever contributed to it.

His hands roamed over my back, pulling me closer, while mine tangled in his hair, tearing out a soft groan from his mouth. And at that moment, even my actions couldn't fully convey how badly I wanted him, let alone my words.

But none of that mattered, apparently, because just as the moment reached its peak, somebody started assaulting the door. Just as I was about to think about who it could possibly be, my inner monologue got interrupted by the outer intruder.

"It's me, Nick!" The voice rang through the door, making me hesitantly climb off George.

"Of course," George mumbled, an annoyed sigh escaping his chest as he reluctantly released me from his embrace.

Honestly, I shouldn't have been as frustrated as I was, but I had no desire to go open the door to most likely answer questions about George's whereabouts. So instead, I sent him to the frontline for my own sake of sanity.

I know it's my house, but it's his friend.

I couldn't hear a thing they were talking about, but I could tell Nick was trying to get George to leave with him. And he succeeded. I heard the door get shut, and George came back to grab his phone, his movements hurried.

"I'll be back in a bit," he announced, his voice tinged with a hint of distraction.

"Did something happen?" I asked, noting the subtle shift in his demeanor.

George shook his head, offering me a small smile that didn't quite convince me. "Nothing major," he assured me, though there was uncertainty in his gaze. "Need me to bring back anything?"

Pausing to think, I remembered the emptied supplies of painkillers from my battle with period cramps last month.

"If you could grab some Advil, that would actually be really nice," I pouted.

"Will do, cutie," George's words were sweet, though his smile seemed somewhat forced as he headed out the door, leaving me confused once again.

The house went quiet once he left, so I put in my earphones and turned up the music, which made me doze off almost immediately. The realization of me being in a position that would give me neck cramps for days wasn't enough to get me moving. I slept.

For a while.

Still stuck in the same uncomfortable spot, with the music still blaring in my ears, I had this gut feeling that I was no longer alone in the house. Either I have some extra senses or could just feel the vibrations of someone walking around, I opened my eyes and saw George closing the balcony door.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to make sense of the sight before me. "How on earth did you get here?" I blurted out, finally catching his attention. He was too focused on the lock of the balcony door to even care before that.

"You weren't answering the door," he replied with a nonchalant shrug, sounding like it was my fault he snuck into my house.

"So you thought sneaking onto my balcony was the logical next step?"

"Somebody had to bring you Advil," he replied, holding up a small bag.

I forgot about that.

Aw, he remembered.

"Too late, I'm dead." Not a great joke, but a remark that sadly hit close to reality.

"Oh no, what am I gonna do without you?" His delivery made it apparent that it was a joke, but I wished it hit just a little bit close to reality for him too.

"What are you doing with me?" I raised a brow, offering a soft smile at his kind gesture of bringing me water to wash down the pill.

"What am I doing with you..." the corners of his mouth dropped as he repeated the question. In the meantime, I managed to swallow the pill. "I don't know, just being happy, I guess."

The softness in his voice made me break eye contact, taking another unnecessary sip of water. Even if he knew what he was doing with me, I doubt he was even aware of what he was doing to me.

And then, not even allowing me to recover from his previous words, he spoke again.

"Would you consider moving?"

His question caught me off-guard.

To say the least.

Narrowing my eyes, I tilted my head, silently urging him to elaborate.

"Like moving to a different state?" He clarified.

Not only was his question unexpected, but it was also confusing.

"What... why?" I responded with another question before offering a more substantial answer, "I mean, no, not until I graduate at least. Which is probably like in a hundred years."

The lighthearted tone at the end of my sentence failed to bring a smile to his face. He simply nodded, "Yeah, thought so. I was just curious, you know, about future plans and stuff."


"Do you consider moving?" It was only logical for me to ask him the same thing, right?


He shrugged. Just a simple shrug. Nothing else.

And honestly, it would piss me off. Maybe a month ago, it would.

"You know, you'll always be the weirdest, and just overall confusing person I've ever dealt with," I sighed.

"Dealt with," he mocked my words. "Wow."

"Put a better name to it, and I'll use it."

And sometimes, I just wish I could keep quiet. Not that it would change anything. We've both been playing dumb so much that it's become a habit.

Instead of paying attention to my words, we both chose to focus on his sneeze. Obviously, him getting sick is way more important and entertaining than whatever our relationship is.

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