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We ended up watching a movie, and I snacked on a bowl of strawberries while it played. He bit the chocolate off from half of them, so I didn't have to worry about having too much of it.

I thought I'd feel different, more at ease after we kissed, but my heart was still racing from the way our bodies were positioned.

He sat on the couch, his legs slightly apart, while I sat next to him, both my legs resting over his thigh.

And as the movie lost my interest, I occupied myself with a dumb puzzle game on my phone. It ended up catching his attention. He rested his head on my shoulder, joining in to help me solve the puzzles.

"It's that one," he pointed at the screen to select the correct answer, and I was so affected by him that my whole body got chills just from feeling his hand brush against mine.

"How do you do it so quickly?" Every calculus-related puzzle seemed to take me an embarrassingly long time to complete, while he effortlessly breezed through them in no time.

"How do you not?" He proceeded to solve the next puzzle while I was still in mid-conversation with him.

"Maybe I'm just rusty," I tried to justify myself. But I had never been not rusty when it came to numbers. And my brain was working half its speed because of the way we were all over each other.

"How do you get rusty at adding numbers?" He chuckled.

"The last time I had to deal with numbers was back in high school," I got defensive, pointing out that our majors were worlds apart.

"Nah, I think you just suck." There he went again. I hadn't been annoyed by him for a while, "I'm better, it's okay."

"I'm sure you'll suck just as bad if I ask you something like science related," I tried to shrug but his head was on my shoulder. And I just have to mention how good his hair smelled.

"I'm sure I won't," the attitude he was giving while passing the levels like they were nothing was ridiculously attractive, "ask me anything."

The funny thing was, I didn't know what to ask. I could ask something really hard which wouldn't be fair, and really easy, which he'd probably know and get cocky. I just went with the first thing that came to my mind.

"What is this bone called?" My thighs were just on display and I went with it.

"Which one?"

"This one." I laughed, pointing at it.

"This one?"

The idiot placed his hand on my thigh and forcefully applied pressure to the sides of it, making me wince in pain.

"George!" I took the opportunity of my legs still being draped over his thigh to give his other leg a small kick.

"It's the femur, I know it." He laughed, and I could hear his ego inflating through that laugh.

I should've went with something more difficult.

"That's just common knowledge," I rolled my eyes, "that was an easy question, doesn't count."

"And twelve multiplied by four was not?" He had to remove his head from my shoulder to look at me.

Honestly, he had a point.

"It's not like I couldn't solve that. You just did it faster," I couldn't help but laugh along. He had a contagious laugh, what could I do.

"Of course," he nodded, "what's seven times eight?"

Not this cursed question...

I thought for a while, then realized I'm even worse at thinking when he's looking at me like that.

"Oh god.." I covered half of my face with my palm.

"Ariaa..." he sounded so teasingly disappointed, shaking his head dramatically.

"It's sixty-something," I was so confident with my answer too.

"Oh my god, good job! It's sixty-nine!"

I hate him so much.

"I'd remember if it was sixty-nine," I narrowed my eyes, "wait! Isn't it fifty-six?"

"And it only took you 3 wrong answers!"

"Shut up," I giggled, sinking back into the couch.

Using his hand to keep my legs over his thigh, he leaned in, his face hovering just above mine.


Still giggling like an idiot, I pulled his face down by the nape of his neck and connected our lips. I found myself sinking deeper and deeper into the cushioning of the couch as he playfully pressed multiple kisses on my lips and then a long, lingering one to finish it off.

"Oh my god, you're addictive, go away." He pulled back.

My lips were hurting from smiling so much.

My eyes caught the familiar intro that started playing on the screen. Then I remembered where it was from.

"Oh look! Your favorite program is starting!" The way I was joking about it, but he actually checked and got excited was unexpected.

It was that dumb thing he was watching yesterday. The space thing.

How could someone be genuinely interested in the physics of the universe?

"Are you really gonna watch that?" He even turned the volume up and got comfortable in his seat, "Please, I was joking."

"Shh, come here," he tugged my head down to rest on his shoulder. Our position remained unchanged, except now my head was nestled against his shoulder instead of his head against mine.

He was so invested in the program. And I was more interested in his hand. Leaning on his shoulder, I started playing with his fingers, lifting one and letting it snap back down. It was weirdly more entertaining than whatever the narrator was explaining about Jupiter's gravity.

But soon I got bored of doing that as well, so he intertwined our fingers and kept them resting on my lap. And my eyes were getting more and more tired with every passing second. Eventually, I gave in and closed them.

I hadn't intended to doze off, but it happened anyway. At some point, I think George must have noticed my body relaxing, because I recall him leaning over to switch off the lights. It could've just been the fact that I was falling asleep and the background noise was disappearing slowly, but I think it was also him turning the volume down.

I slept for a while. But eventually, staying in the same position for so long gave me muscle cramps. And my legs were freezing too. It all forced me to wake up.

I don't know what time it was when I did, but it was dark in the room, the TV was off, and George was asleep. But our fingers were still laced together.

Smiling, I reached out to grab the blanket I had kept folded on the couch, putting it over us after readjusting my legs and hugging his arm for comfort.

I might've also nuzzled my face into his neck and smiled against his skin, but when we wake up, I'll pretend that I did it in my sleep.

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