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I didn't realize how I fell asleep that night, but I'd rather stay awake than have such a horrible sleep. I'd open my eyes every now and then, feeling the weight of exhaustion pulling me back into the mess of the dreams I was having.

Thoughts of the day's events played on a loop, each second of it dissected and analyzed. At first, I failed my exam in my dream, then killed George with my cookies, then died myself for whatever reason and got reincarnated as a horrendous looking monster.

Occasionally, I would hear the distant sound of the ambulance even though the only thing interrupting the deafening silence was the rustling of the leaves.

The hours dragged on, and the weariness settled deep within my bones. And only with the first rays of sun I managed to sink into slumber - away from all the thoughts and dreams.

Yet that didn't last. At least I thought it didn't. Even though it felt like I only slept for 3 minutes when I jumped awake from the loud banging on the door, the arrows of the clock told me that it was 1 in the afternoon.

Yawning, I made my way to the door, not caring to check who it was before opening it.

"Aria!" It felt like I woke up again from how loud the voice was, but my vision failed to adjust to the scene in front of me yet, "This is for you."

I couldn't process anything at all. All I know is somebody shoved a bouquet of flowers into my arms. And I only realized how abnormally large it was when I struggled to hold it or see anything that was going on infront of me.

"And this too," I finally recognized Clay's voice, but still could barely see anything except for the bouquet. He pulled out a box of chocolate out of nowhere and put it on top of the flowers, "thank you for saving my friend."

What is going on, I just woke up.

"What-" I tried to look at him through the leaves and the petals of the flowers, and only then realized that the box of chocolates was on my way as well, "thank you, I mean you're welcome, I mean- thank you, you didn't have to."

I tried to carry the flowers inside but the box fell from ontop of it. Clay caught it mid-air and took it as a sign to grab the bouquet from my hands.

Where did he find a bouquet this size anyway?

The way he held it effortlessly with one arm made me want to go to the gym, but then again I don't think it was the weight, it was the size.

He carried everything inside and only when we passed the mirror I realized that I was in my pajamas, my hair looked like a tumbleweed and overall, I looked like a creature that shouldn't exist.

"Oh, your keys!" I suddenly remembered as he put the flowers on the table, and went to get them from my room. Luckily I didn't lose them overnight.

"Oh my god, I forgot," I heard Clay's voice from across the room. Handing him the keys, I saw him smile, "thank you so much, you're amazing."

"Ah, stop it," I laughed, "where's George? Is he okay?"

"He's doing fine, they're discharging him in an hour," he smiled softly, "the idiot didn't know he's allergic to peanuts."

"Must've been a scary experience for him," I said as if it wasn't scary for me.

"Nah, he was laughing," Clay shook his head, "he's a weird man."

Yes, infact I can confirm that one.

"Do you want some coffee? Or tea? Or anything?" That was me trying to socialize.

"Oh no, I'm in a hurry," he flipped the keys in his hand and got ready to leave, "maybe another time."

He's so nice, what..

"Thank you for the flowers. And the chocolate," grinning joyfully, I followed him out of the door.

Then he left.

This was the cutest thing ever.

Anyways, I should study today. I'll keep reminding myself that so that I feel guilty everytime I get distracted doing anything else.

About getting distracted.

I put the flowers in a vase, showered, ate, drank coffee, called my friend, talked for an hour but felt guilty through all of it. So my plan worked. Partially.

I swear then I was about to study, but somebody was at the door again. It's not meant to be I guess.

This time, as I prepared to open the door, I made a conscious decision to pause and look at my reflection in the mirror. And I'm glad I did cause my shirt was apparently see-through and someone was about to get lucky and see my boobs. Not feeling that kind today, I quickly changed.

And the unlucky man was George. He must've got bored from waiting for me to open the door, as he was leaning against the wall and scrolling through his phone.

His eyes went up from my legs to my face, a playful smirk appearing on his face.

"There you are," I leaned against the side of the doorframe, crossing my arms, "come in."

"I'm in a hurry," what's up with them being in a hurry anyway, "just came to see the girl that almost got me killed."

I gasped, acting offended even though I knew he was joking from the wide smile on his face that gave away way too much, "I actually saved you, mister."

"Only after you tried to poison me," he continued his stupid joke.

"Not my fault you lived twenty something years without knowing that you're allergic to peanuts," I shook my head, "how does that even happen? Have you never consumed anything with peanuts before?"

He shrugged, trying to remember. But the blank expression on his face told me that there wasn't much to remember.

"I tried peanuts only once in my life and threw up," he shrugged, "never went close to them ever again. The smell alone disgusts me."

I raised a brow at his words, "You're telling me you've never eaten a snickers bar?" I'm not sure why was that my first thought, "Or Reese's?" The list kept getting weirder, "A peanut butter jelly sandwich??" The longer the list went on, the stranger he appeared to me. Cause all of those were my favorite things.

"If I dislike something, I never give it a second try," he sounded so proud of himself, as if that was a good trait.

"Then why'd you eat the cookies? You knew they had peanut butter in them," I narrowed my eyes.

He went silent for a while, the corners of his mouth becoming slightly downturned as he was trying to think of a reason.

"Well, cause you made them," my heart fluttered at his words until he decided to ruin it, "wanted to see if you suck at baking."

What a dick.

"Fuck off," my plan was to look offended, but I laughed.

He did the same, checking the time on his watch, "Yeah, I actually gotta fuck off, I'm running late."

God knows where he's going. But whatever.

"Yeah, bye then," I slowly tried to close the door, but he stuck his white shoe between the door and the frame. Personally I wouldn't disrespect my shoes like that.

I sighed, opening the door again. Taken aback from how close he was standing to me, I almost jumped.

"Thank you," I couldn't believe he finally sounded serious, "and the cookies were delicious - minus the peanut butter, of course."

I didn't respond. Just focused on trying not to break character and smile. Not sure if I succeeded, though. Instead, I tapped on his expensive watch, which was right at my face level from the way he was leaning against the doorframe, "You're running late." I reminded him before closing the door.

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