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I shamelessly woke up at 4 p.m. and had 3 hours to get ready to go to the club. I had an idea what to wear, but ended up changing my mind cause I struggled to put the dress. It was made of rough fabric, which was rubbing against my sunburnt shoulders and putting me in excruciating pain every time I tried to move my arms.

And that's where my decision to wear a strapless mini dress was born. But because I looked too plain and simple, I paired the dress with my complicated lace-up heels. Admittedly, those shoes were a hassle to slip into and out of, but the glistening straps made the effort well worthwhile.

The process of getting ready stretched on, as I lost myself in extra moments of drifting into memories of the dream I had. I couldn't shake away the feeling of George's lips against mine, even though I never even felt them in the first place. All of it was imaginary.

By the time I was done getting ready, my friend came to pick me up with her car. I could have driven myself, but the chances of me coming back wasted were too high.

My feet were already aching from the heels when we entered the club, yet a single drink managed to alleviate the discomfort significantly. The second drink brought even more relief, and by the time I finished the third, my worries seemed to dissolve. All except for one - I found myself continually scanning the dancing crowd for George's face, despite being fully aware that he wouldn't be there.

And what's funny is that the more I drank and danced, the more each tall and lanky guy began to resemble George. With the alcohol coursing through my veins, I let my body sway to the music, shooting a smile at every single guy who glanced my way. Yet amidst the excitement, a strong urge began to grow within me. I wanted to go back home just to see him.

I ignored the thoughts and danced until I couldn't stand straight anymore.

"Aria!" I heard a familiar voice shout in my ear above the blaring music, and I spun around to find my friend.

"Maya!" I yelled back, my body still moving to the beat even though it felt lifeless.

"Time to leave!" It was funny how she was completely sober, while I couldn't stop grinning like an idiot.

"Why?" I couldn't answer my own question better. I spilled some of my drink with my words. Luckily none of it landed on my dress.

"Every single dude is piled up around us, and none of them are buying that we're girlfriends anymore."

If only she knew how much I valued the god's work she did for me whenever we hit the club. She didn't drink, pretended to be my girlfriend to fend off the overeager guys, made sure I got back home safe, and occasionally held my hair back while I dealt with the aftermath of mixing drinks.

"Give me a kiss, they'll buy it immediately," I swinged my arms around her neck, the half empty drink still in one of my hands.

"Let's get you home, maybe you'll get lucky and kiss your british crush." She rolled her eyes with a chuckle, untangling my hands from around her neck and taking hold of one before guiding me out of the crowd.

Her idea was convincing enough for me to get moving.

The drive back was fun. I sang along to the songs that were playing in Maya's car the whole ride back home. I was probably giving her a headache with my hoarse, off-key singing right next to her ear, yet she never once voiced a complaint.

When we finally arrived back home, it was a challenge to convince her that I didn't need any help getting to my house. Still, she assisted me in unlocking the door and ensured I was safely in my room before heading off.

I cringed at the fact that I'm in my bed with my heels still on, but after a failed attempt to undo the complicated lace, I opted for the simpler solution: standing up. Wobbling on my feet before finding my balance, I went to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water, and a pack of gum cause all I could taste in my mouth was the disgusting aftertaste of the alcohol.

The mintiness of the gum refreshed me enough to stand firmly, yet my mind remained entangled in thoughts of George. All I could focus on was the persistent idea that my dream held some sort of significance. Maybe it was a sign for me to head to the balcony and possibly make it come true.

And that's exactly what I did.

I started fumbling with the doorknob that should have granted me access to the balcony,  not even realizing that the door was locked. Tripping over my own feet, I grabbed the keys, only to continue struggling to get it open.

The creaking noise it emitted was far from subtle, and I suddenly became aware of the noise I was creating. And it worked like a charm cause George heard it and came to their balcony to check what was happening.

"Aria?" I involuntary smiled at the way he said my name, "Is everything okay?"

I shut the door behind me with another obnoxious sound. I could see the way his eyes were roaming up and down my body, and how his brows furrowed while witnessing my slight struggle to maintain my balance on the heels.

"Yes! Hello, hello!" I couldn't help but grin at him and the way he was trying to edge closer to me, despite the distance between our separate balconies.

He didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point. A point that I didn't realize was so obvious.

"Are you drunk?" I couldn't help but notice the disbelief in his tone.

I cast a glance at him through the strands of hair that the wind was playfully tossing onto my face, and I responded by shaking my head no, accompanied by a grin on my lips.

George's eyebrow arched, his mouth slightly parting as he seemed to take in a quiet breath.

I let out a giggle in response to his expression and turned around, my intention fixed on locating a suitable spot to rest because my feet were practically begging for relief. Oddly enough, I didn't go for the obvious choice, which were the chairs. In a rather daring move, I decided to sit on the balcony railing instead. Thankfully, it had a small platform that could support my weight comfortably.

"What are you doing?" George was following my every single move with his eyes, worry never leaving his voice.

I impressed myself with how smoothly and elegantly I pushed myself up with my arms and took a seat, my back facing the void filled with cars and street lights as my feet dangled above the platform.

"Get down from there," George's tone carried a hint of concern, even though his face tried to downplay it.

"Why?" Laughing, I began to kick my feet playfully, the warm breeze tangling with my hair and sending shivers across my skin.

"Aria, get down." Instead of getting an answer to my question, I got a demand.

"No." The word came out as a playful challenge.

For a moment, I hesitated. Why should I listen to him if he doesn't even give me a reason? But then I glanced at his face and found myself taken aback by the intensity of his gaze.

Long story short, I got scared and decided to listen to him. I had just started preparing to hop off the railing when he spoke once more.

"Don't make me come over there, darling. Just get down."

I never changed my mind so quickly. Wiggling my hips back farther into the railing, I decided to stay seated.

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