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I was searching for a hint on his face. It felt like there was everything written on it, but at the same time he was so good at giving me nothing.

"So why haven't you?" I was setting myself up with that question.

George shrugged, but knowingly, looking down at his hands, smiling before looking up at me.

"I don't know, we keep getting interrupted."

I knew what was happening and where this was going, but I didn't want it to be predictable - especially not after he received a phone call from someone named Kitten.

"Oh, really?" I playfully furrowed my eyebrows. "How?"

George shifted his position, drawing closer to me. My mind and body were reacting differently to the change - one telling me to stay composed and the other getting eaten alive by butterflies.

"Well, one time someone knocked on the door," he began, "and sometimes she just shies away."

"You forgot about the times when his kittens called," I probably shouldn't have said it, but I couldn't help myself.

George smiled, his smile soon transitioning into a gentle laugh.

"Is that what the sudden relationship talk was about?" The way he was looking at me with that adorable grin made me roll my eyes in response.

"No, it wasn't." I don't even know who I was lying to.

"Tina is a friend." his expression softened until the laugh turned back into a subtle smile.

"That would only make sense if she was actually a cat."

It was amusing how I was so affected by it, even though our relationship likely wasn't nearly as significant as what he had with those girls. At least he could call them friends.

"Why?" He rested his elbows on his knees, causing him to lean closer to me, "Can't I call my friends kittens?"

"I mean, you do you," I shrugged, "but in my humble opinion, it's weird."

Maybe I was the weird one for thinking that it's weird. Surely not, right?

"I'll change it if it triggers you that much," he laughed, grabbing his phone.

"It doesn't trigger me."

"Well, you called me weird," he went to his contact list and edited the name to just Tina, "and I value your humble opinion."

I knew he was only joking, yet the fact that he genuinely went through with it gave me a slight sense of satisfaction.

Then he handed me his phone.

"Now hurry up and put your number in here." The way he just ordered it instead of asking made me raise a questioning eyebrow.

"Excuse me? Ask me nicely, then I'll think about it."

The look he gave me said it all. He wasn't going to ask.

"Hurry up and put your number in my phone, love."

Is that his version of asking nicely? Because, honestly, he wasn't asking, but it was somewhat nice.

"That's not even asking." I shook my head.

"But it was nice, wasn't it?"

"Your accent made it work, I guess," he chuckled at my words.

I dialed my number and called it to save his number in my phone later, ensuring I wouldn't get jumpscared by an unknown number when he called or messaged me.

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