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I took George's hand and led him to my room. I realized that he'd never been here before, and I was relieved that I had tidied up after Maya left.

"Welcome to my room," I released his hand, and he immediately walked over to the framed baby pictures, "which is also yours for the night."

He stood there, looking at each and every single picture. Then he spoke.

"Cute," his tone carried a smile, and I sensed his comment was directed at the pictures rather than my previous statement.

"I was a cute baby." I stood next to him, smiling at the pictures.

"Can't believe nothing changed in your life." He turned to me, and I glanced away, my smile widening even more.

"We're running out of nighttime for our sleeping date,"  I tugged him away from the photos, "time to sleep."

"Watch me toss and turn all night and keep you awake," he settled on the bed across from mine and bounced a little, "at least the bed doesn't creak."

I intended to tell him he was in for the most restful sleep ever, but somehow my words got screwed up and came out all wrong.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna make you sleep so hard."

The moment it hit on me what just left my mouth, I shut my eyes. I didn't need to see him to know that he was smirking.

Why do I lose half of my brain cells when it's late at night?

"So hard, you say?"

And why does he feel the need to point every single thing out?

"I meant... ah, whatever."

"Go as hard as you want, love," he had the nerve to continue, "I'm all yours."

Good god.

He stretched out on the bed, and I almost fainted from the lethal combination of his deep voice, messy hair, wording, gray sweatpants and black T-shirt.

"Oh my god, I hate you so much," I had to repeat that to myself every now and then to keep my sanity, "do you need anything in the room? Water, food.. stuffed animals?"

"Nah, I have everything I need in the room with me," he was already getting comfortable in the bed, adjusting the pillows, "just make it a bit colder, and we're good."

I liked my room on the warmer side, but did as he told for his own comfort. Then I went to the bathroom to change, wash my face and brush my teeth. He stayed in the room, busy in his phone even though his eyes seemed to be begging for some rest.

And about his eyes.

I brought my calming under-eye patches along to the room, specifically for him.

"George," I applied two to my face and walked over to him, carrying the container.

"What?" He shifted his phone, directing his attention towards me as I stood by him with the container in hand and purple patches beneath my eyes. "Oh shit, that's scary."

"Look up," I directed, not bothering to ask if he wanted them or not.

"No." He furrowed his brows.

"Okay." I put one on either way, and he looked up as the substance on it almost went in his eye. I placed the second one, and he made a disgusted face, "Stop making faces, it's gonna fall."

"It's slimy!" He complained, "And you got it in my eye."

"It's okay, you'll get back at me someday."

And again, what did I just say, and why did I say that.

George cleared his throat, shaking his head and smiling, kind enough not to say anything this time.

I actually meant he'll put eye patches on me and take his revenge, I swear.


It's so cold in the room.

"How long do these need to stay on?" He rolled onto his side to face me, and one of the patches slipped down, "I suppose not any longer."

"Put it back in." And the questionable mistakes were back, "I mean- on. Put it back on."


"Look, I know you're sleep deprived, but I can't keep defending you," he laughed, "c'mon, turn the lights off and let's sleep."

That's a good idea.

And I did as he told. But no matter how tightly I wrapped myself in the covers, it was still inhumanely cold. Maybe I went overboard turning the temperature down.

"Did I make it too cold, or is it just me?"

"I like it this way," maybe his request had a purpose all along, "but feel free to come, my body is nice and warm for you."

"I'm not coming," I rolled my eyes in the darkness as if he was gonna see it.

"I'd make a joke, but I'm too tired."

And weirdly enough, I could tell how drained he was from his voice.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, allowing everything to sink into the mattress.

However, as soon as I closed my eyes, I remembered that he was famous, and they popped back open. I closed them again, attempting to pass on the thoughts of today's events, but the only thing that seemed to pass was time itself.

I stared at the ceiling for a while and then turned to my side to see if George was asleep. And it was both sad and funny seeing him lying there with open eyes and not moving. He was probably trying to stay still to let me sleep. I just hoped he wasn't holding his breath too.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I whispered. It's been probably an hour.

"Why aren't you?" He turned to his side, whispering back.

I don't even know why we were whispering. We're the only people in the house.

"I asked first," I leaned my head on my bent arm to see him better.

"I can't." He answered in a deep, low voice which broke the whisper. The chills it sent down my spine were unbelievable.

All I wanted was to help him sleep.

I let my thoughts fade for a moment, and my feet led me straight to his bed.

I settled at the edge of it initially, and he got the hint, scooting closer to the wall and lifting the covers to make space for me to join.

Goosebumps rose on my skin as I felt the warmth when he tucked me in, making sure to cover every part of my back. His hand remained there, arm weighing me down and keeping me close. So close that our faces were inches apart.

My own arm found its place on the side of his neck, and I let my fingers disappear into his hair. He sighed as the soft strands intertwined with my touch.

"Close your eyes," I whispered, and he complied, whether it was an instinctive response as I began to play with his hair, or simply because he chose to listen to my words.

My breath caught in my throat as his hand slipped under my shirt, his fingers tracing random patterns against my back. I just hoped he couldn't feel me shivering.

"You too." He whispered softly.

Pulling me even closer, he made me snuggle my face against his neck. My hand remained moving in his hair and his - on my back.

I played with his hair until his arm felt heavier against my side and his hand gradually grew still on my back. It was only at that point that I granted myself permission to fully relax and sleep.

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