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George had somewhere to go. We managed to have our breakfast together, and he still gave me a kiss before he left, so I'm not too upset about it.

I just hope he's not going to livestream in his kittens' houses.

I was minding my own business and trying to entertain myself the whole day. Entertaining myself included stalking George's career for two hours until I felt like going insane and stopped.

Then, as evening approached, I noticed a shadow on the balcony. Despite George mentioning he wouldn't be back early, I still thought it was him and went out to check.

As expected, it wasn't George. It turned out to be his friend, Nick. And he noticed me right away.

"Hey, Aria!" His smile focused all his attention on me.

"Hi, Nick," I attempted to match his enthusiasm, but it was a bit tough since he had quite the energy.

"Expecting George, huh?" He gave me a knowing look. "You fell for the bait."

Oh my god.

"What? I just wanted some fresh air," I lied, a smile escaping me despite my attempt to hide it.

"C'mon, I've seen your little dates and shit," he giggled, making me shake my head, "and the way you two look at each other. I've seen it all."

The fact that he was lying was so funny.

"You haven't seen anything," I wasn't even attempting to justify myself; I was being honest. "I can count on one hand the number of times you've seen me and George together."

"But I know everything," he leaned on the railing, trying to intimidate me with his nonexistent knowledge, "I don't need to see the obvious to know it."

"And what's the obvious?" I leaned in too, so that both our attentions were fully drawn to each other.

"That you and George got a thing going on."

I looked calm, not sure how to reply. I didn't know what Nick knew, if George said anything to him, or if he was even supposed to know anything.

"What thing?" I played the part of the interrogator to avoid him taking on that role.

"He slept over at yours yesterday, didn't he?" But he stole it immediately.

I was surprised at how calm I could seem outside when my insides were twisting in panic.

"For someone who knows everything, you shouldn't be asking questions like that."

He smiled, "But he did, right?"

I wasn't going to give him a definite answer.

"Go ask him, why are you asking me?" I raised my shoulders.

"He's too private of a person." Nick's expression turned slightly serious.

"I'm a private person too," I replied, "plus, you live with him. You should have the answers."

"It's tough when he keeps his bedroom locked and sneaks out through the balcony," he chuckled, "he could be sleeping in his bed, he could be sleeping in your bed. Who knows."

"Yeah, who knows."

There was a small interval of silence between us. I wanted to go back inside, but he had more questions awaiting.

"So how would you describe your relationship with George?"

I couldn't help but close my eyes and take in a deep breath at his question. I could tell he was half-serious about it, but still was in desperate need of seeking answers.

And I thought not answering him would be more suspicious of me than giving him vague answers.

"We hang out sometimes," I answered neutrally, but he needed more.

"Define hanging out?"

"I'm not a dictionary."

He narrowed his eyes at me, humming, "You play good."

"You don't." I smirked.

"I saved the harder questions for later," he grinned, "but might as well use them now."

I positioned myself more at ease, fully expecting his 'harder questions' to be yet another round of unsuccessful attempts to draw something from my mouth.

"Okay?" I blinked at him, smiling.

"So.." he smirked, clearing his throat, "Does hanging out include giving each other hickeys?"

My smile actually faded. I almost touched my neck to feel if it was that visible, but I decided that doing it would look more suspicious, so I just swallowed and steadied my voice before responding.

"What hickeys?"

I thought he might simply gesture at my neck, but he seemed to possess even more information. Forgotten information.

"George had one a few days ago," I nearly forgot about the mark I left on his neck when I was drunk, "and you've got one now."

I remembered George's joke about lying and saying that 'an iron fell on me' and decided to modify the lie. It was clear that Nick was relying on assumptions rather than information, and I didn't want to be the one confirming anything.

"Oh, this?" I chuckled, touching my neck. "It's a curling iron incident." And to prevent him from suspecting it was a cliché excuse, I quickly added, "I actually have a burn on my arm as well."

I showed him the burn, swallowing back further explanation cause I didn't feel comfortable lying.

"Oh shit."

And I couldn't believe he actually fell for it. I managed to kill his inner Sherlock, as he likely figured I wouldn't actually burn myself just to support a lie, or have a random burn laying around on my arm.

"So, just hanging out together, huh?" He arched an eyebrow. "Why don't you hang out with me and Clay as well?"

This question was actually a genuine one and not something to set me up.

"Because we're not really friends," I shrugged. My response might have come across as a bit blunt, but I actually hadn't spent more than ten minutes in a room with them.

"So you and George are friends?" I hoped he wouldn't twist this into some narrative of me friendzoning George later on.

"I'd say we enjoy spending time together," I nodded, smiling. I couldn't tell if my neutral answers were any good, but because his questions stopped, I figured they worked.

"Then consider yourself invited to our place for dinner," he straightened up, "with me and Clay."

This one actually felt like he was setting me up for something.


"Cause we come in a pack," he raised his shoulders, "you're friends with one of us, you gotta be friends with the other two as well."

I could already imagine the two of them plotting, making a list of questions to torture me with them. Dealing with both of them alone seemed a bit overwhelming.

"Maybe when George is around too," I smiled, "so that I'm more comfortable."

He laughed, nodding, "Deal," and we maintained eye contact while heading back into our homes.

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