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"Well if it isn't Sofia Sainz"
Sofia froze as she gazed into Landos eyes. She wasn't sure what it was but he had changed. He was very attractive. Sofia had never looked at Lando this was before but clearly, against all odds, little milkboy had matured.
She quickly snapped out of her gaze and beamed at him.
"Lovely to see you again milkboy"
Lando immediately grinned from ear to ear and gave her a hug. She took in his scent and noticed he smelt amazing. Gosh snap out of it Sof. He's your brother best friend and you've known him for years.
Daniel piped in. She forgot he was here.
"So Sof, are you watching from Mclaren?"
"There's no way i'd get away with that. I haven't watched my brother race in over a year so i doubt he'd be happy with me if i missed his first session."
"atleast walk with us, ferrari is right next to mclaren"
Lando spoke again. He seemed keen to catch up with her and she was happy about that.
"yeah alright"

As they walked towards the garages they spoke about Sofias career. Lando said he had noticed she had made the move to Chelsea and kept an eye on results the best he could. Daniel also said he had kept an eye out, but struggled to keep track. They spoke about Daniels win in monza and how Sofia had never screamed so much in her life.
"Rights boys this is me" she said as the arruved outside the entrance to the Ferrari garage.
"Alrighty, see you later. Wish us luck!" Daniel said as he walked off.
Sofia was about to turn and leave when she noticed Lando hadn't followed his teammate into the garage.
"It's amazing to have you back around the paddock Sof. I've missed you so much" Lando said shyly.
Sofia smiled "I've missed you too Lan, we should catchup sometime"
He nodded and pulled her into a hug, which lasted a few seconds longer than you would expect. They pulled away and gave each other a shy smile as they walked into their respective garages.
She gave the monegasque a quick hug before being joined by her brother.
"Did you find Daniel?"
"Oh yeah we had a good chat, i saw Lando briefly too, was nice to see him again"
"Ah yes i thought you two would reunite at some point, he's always asking when your next coming to a race."
"Oh yeah" it was Charles who spoke this time "He's always asking Carlos when your next gonna be around. Shame he doesn't get teammate privileges anymore" he said as he sent her a playful wink.
"Shove off Leclerc" she giggled
"I hope you don't mean me?" a voice from behind her spoke.
She turned around to be met with Charles younger F3 racer brother Arthur.
"Arthur, hey, it's been ages how are you?"
She had met Arthur a few times around the paddock in the past.
"I'm great, i'm about to sit over there with Ollie and watch the session, do you want to join us?"
"Sure why not!"
Sofia said goodbye to her brother and to charles before following Arthur to the other side of the garage.
"Hi, you must be Sofia, I'm Ollie, one of Arthur's teammates in formula 3 this year"
she quickly shook his hand "i've heard loads about you, it's nice to meet you"
She could tell Ollie was a lovely guy just from her first small chat with him.
Suddenly the garage was filled with noise and she watched her brother drive out. Oh how she had missed this feeling
The day went by in a flash. Sofia had forgotten how much fun she always had visit races and made a mental note to travel to as many she could this season without interrupting her football schedule.
She reached over and picked up her phone.

Instagram [Landonorris would like to send you a message]

She smiled as she opened the notification.

Landonorris: Hey, realised i didn't have your number so thought id find a new way to annoy you :)

Sofiasainz9: It's moments like these where i'm glad your way of contacting me in limited.

Landonorris: oh ok i see how it is then. Anyway, just wanted to see how your first day back in the paddock was. Happy to see my handsome face again?😉

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