~ill wait~

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"your an absolute bellend, did you know that?"
Sofia was currently sat in George and Carmens room, telling them about what happened with Lando. Incase you don't remember....

"do you maybe wanna see where this goes? no labels or anything cause it's totally new?"
She paused for a moment, thinking about the PR relationship with Charles. He hadn't tried anything. He kept telling her how he had to keep letting alexandra down and friend zoning her because he couldn't handle a relationship on top of trying to handle the fake one, and turns out sof felt completely the same.
She looked Lando in the eyes, he looked hopeful at her.
"I cant"

Anyway, back to George and Carmen.
"thankyou for that george, really makes me feel better about it" Sofia replied to Georges remark.
"I understand why you said no. Mentally it must be quite challenging having to keep up these feelings for Charles so the world can see, but also falling for Lando" Carmen said
Sofia carried on "it was so awkward though. i said i cant and he just said 'yeah cool that's fine' and he stood up and walked off looking really sad"
George moved to sit next to her and pulled her into a side hug. She never spent a lot of time with George, but they've know each other for a while and she always felt like she could talk to him and that he gave good and honest advice, even if it meant calling her a bellend. Carmen was one of her best friends and she could always talk to her.
"Look Sof" he continued "do what's best for you, just don't let him slip away"
"yeah thanks george"
There was a knock at the door. George got up to open it and stepped aside. They walked in.
"Hey george have you got any- oh"
"Hey Lan"
"Hi Sof"
There was a very awkward silence in the air until george spoke.
"You were saying Lando?"
"yeah uhhh do you have any black socks. somehow i've not brought a single pair"
Sofia let out a giggle "sounds about right"
"oh shush you" he said smirking at her
It's like the tension released itself for a few seconds and they were back to normal. Lando took the socks george handed to him, sent a small smile to Sofia and left.
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

All day, it felt like Lando was avoiding her, to the point where she felt awful. Her anxiety got the better of her and she rushed off to her room, closing the door behind her and just let her tears flow. She sat on the bed, shaking. Sometimes when she overthinks, it can get bad. She felt her breath catching in her throat as she tried to be quiet. Little did she know, her brother had noticed her little signs all day and when he saw her rush off he knew it was the bottom line. He softly knocked on the door before coming in and closing it behind him. He sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, allowing her to cry into his chest. He didn't speak and just allowed her as much time as she needed to let it all out, every now and again whispering that everything was ok and he was here. After a while she felt more relaxed, and Carlos took this opportunity to speak.
"what's wrong sof?"
"it's a long story Carlos"
"I have time"
She smiled and leaned back so she could look at his face while they spoke. She told him about the events of the previous night and how crowded her mind had come to feel.
"listen, when i am back at the factory, i will speak to head of PR about this situation. I will even speak to Mattia if i have too. do you think you can stick it out?"
"i don't know carlos. i just want Lando"
"I know, i know and as much as i partially hate it because he's my best friend, i can't imagine a better matched pairing of muppets"
she giggled "i hate you so much"
"well i'll take off then" he said starting to stand up. she grabbed his wrist shaking her head.
"nonono i'm joking your the best brother in the world"
"damn right i am"
she giggled again. he reached out a wiped her eyes.
"your the strongest person i know Sof, you can do this"
"I'm gonna go make a toastie because i am starving, want one?"
"i'd you don't mind thanks Carlos"
"are you coming up to eat it?"
She knew she couldn't hide away in her room for the rest of the trip
"yeah ok"
He helped her up and they both walked up into the kitchen.
"oh fuck" she whispered.
Who else would be in the kitchen but Lando. She wouldn't mind but her eyes were all red and puffy, so she didn't make eye contact. Carlos, however, spoke up.
"Hola mate"
Lando looked up, not noticing sofia stood behind carlos at first.
"of course"
Carlos walked over to the kitchen and started getting out the ingredients. This was when Lando noticed Sofia. His face softened when he saw her eyes.
"come here" he said softly.
She walked over to him and he pulled her onto his lap as he gave her a huge hug.
"i want you to know that last night doesn't change anything ok. George told me how stressed you already are with the whole PR thing and i understand. I'll wait for you Sof. I'm crazy about you and if it means i have to wait then i will"
She felt tears running down her face again due to Landos sweet workds.
"no don't cry" he said with a slight giggle, wiping her eyes with his thumbs.
"thankyou Lando"
"Woah full first name what have i don't"
"sorry Lan" she said exaggerating his name
"yeah you will be" he said jokingly.
Carlos had watched his whole interaction smiling. He never wanted his sister to be with anyone because he knew how people were. But he was more than happy seeing her with Lando. If she was happy, then he certainly was.
"grubs up" he said, serving their food and joining them at the table.
Sofia had sat in her own seat next to Lando, and he had put his hand on her knee under the table to top it bouncing. They all ate and laughed and she felt so much better, but she still felt guilty for rejecting Lando and making him wait, because she didn't know how long it could be.
AN: back on track?😈

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