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After a few days, they pulled up to a dock in croatia to stock up on food and drinks. they decided to all go out for a big meal that night at a fancy restaurant.
Sofia was currently on the top deck sunbathing with heidi.
"i noticed you've spent a lot of time with Lando over the past few days Sof?"
"yeah and?"
"you like him"
"no i dont"
heidi sat up and gave her a look.
"ok fine but don't tell anyone"
"you know i won't. he likes you back though"
"no he doesnt"
"trust me sof, he does. daniel says he never shuts up about you"
"well then what do i do"
"make a move duh"
"no way no way no way"
"why not!"
"heidi you have to realise that if i were to make a move i could embarrass myself and he could hate me forever"
"but he won't because he feels the same way"
there was a moment of silence before sofia next spoke.
"i feel like i'm back in high school talking about boys"
both girls giggled.
"oooo what boys are we talking about" they heard from behind them. Daniel had walked up and joined them. he sat next to heidi.
"just sofa crush on lando"
"Heidi!! what happened to don't tell anyone"
"that doesn't include daniel"
Daniel then spoke. "if it makes you feel any better sof, i already knew because it's very obvious"
Lando walked up onto the deck and towards them.
"ok both of you shut up now" sofia whispered before he came and sat next to her.
"hey guys" he said, casually putting his arm round sofias shoulder.
Heidi and Daniel shared a knowing look.
"hey Lan. Oh, what are you wearing tonight?"
"probabky a shirt and some nice pants since it's supposedly all fancy, you?"
"i've got a couple dresses to choose from, speaking of which, heidi i'll need your help later"
Heidi said "of course girl. Dan, wanna grab a snack?"
Daniel immediately got the hint and accepted as they both stood up and walked off, leaving lando and sofia sat there, her under his arm. They were looking out to sea and sofia made the brave move to lean into his side and put her head on his shoulder.
she felt him giggle.
"comfy?" he asked
"always." she said, not moving her head
after a while in silence she stood up and held out her hand.
"what are you doing" lando asked hesitantly.
"take my hand"
without question he took her hand and stood up.
"are you warm?" she asked him
he looked at her confused but said he was.
"good" she smirked before pulling him with her as she jumped off the edge of the boat into the sea. he screamed like a little girl. when they both resurfaced, he grabbed hold of her by her waist and pulled her closer to him.
"i hate you"
"love you to norris. oh by the way, that scream was a massive ick"
"oh shush sainz"

"look out!!"
they both looked up to see charles and ben jumping in the water towards them. They were splashed by the water wave that was sent their way, Lando letting go of his grip round her waist.
"thanks for that guys" sof said sarcastically.

Due to being close to the docks, they had been spotted by some fans, however they noticed some had something in their hands. Cameras.
"paparazzi guys" alex said from the boat, just before he jumped in. Lando and Sofia moved further away from each other as did charles and alexandra (who had joined them in the water). Sofia swam closer to charles, who pulled her close to him by her waist. they looked at each other and smiled. She noticed the way he looked at her. it was full of love, but not a lover type of love. His eyes were full of friendship. Since the start of this PR relationship, her and Charles had grown close and their friendship had developed into something amazing, but because of this there was only so much acting in love she was capable. She glanced over at Lando who had just jumped in again with daniel and mason. They made eye contact. Very different to the eye contact she had with Charles. She felt butterflies in her stomach, something she hadn't felt around lando before. He winked at her and turned away. If she didn't think it before, she knew now. She was falling for him...
The girls were all squeezed into the small room sofia was staying in, all dressed except for sofia.
"ok guys which dress"
She held up two options
"the black one"
"ooo defo the black one"
"black alll day"
"ok then, it's settled"
They all left as she got changed. As per usual she was the last one ready. She walked out onto the deck
"ok guys i'm ready"
everyone turned around and started complimenting her on how she looked.
"thanks guys"
Lando ran out onto the deck
"sorry for the delay guys i- woah"
He looked at Sofia

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