~i cant~

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"i cant do it heidi. i'm staying in my room for the rest of the trip"
Just for context, it was the day after her kiss with Lando.
"Sofia, relax. He's not gonna be any different in a bad way. just go about your day as normal. approach him."
"nope. i need to hide away forever"
"i think you just need to put on a cute bikini cause we are on the water all day and then get upstairs and get some breakfast"
"ugh fine"
She picked out an orange bikini, took a photo for her story, then left the room.

sofiasainz9 via stories

sofiasainz9 via stories

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"oooo check you. orange for a certain someone?"
"shush heidi. let's go get breakfast"
As they walked in the kitchen, the nicest smell filled her nose.
"mmmmm what's that smell?" sofia asked
"i'm making pancakes, want some?" Kika asked.
"yes please ma'am"
She took a seat in between ben and mason.
"so you and lando hm?" ben said wiggling his eyebrows.
"it's 8am ben i'm not answering questions"
Him and Mason just smirked at each other.
Sofia was amazed Lando wasn't in here already. One sniff of pancakes and he is usually straight there. As if i'm cue, he walked into the room.
"kikaaaaa" he said with puppy dog eyes
"already on it lando"
"thanks girlie"
"i cant believe you said girlie you wierdo" daniel spoke up, who had recently walked in and joined heidi
Lando just rolled his eyes. Sofia was too scared to say anything so just stayed quiet. Lando walked round the counter and over to where she was sat. He stood behind her and briefly placed both hands on her shoulders before kissing her head and saying "good morning" before going to join carlos. Ben, Mason, Daniel and Heidi all looked at Sofia as her cheeks heated up.
"non of you speak" she said to them
Kika handed her the pancakes and winked before saying "you and lando are cute"
"i said don't speak"
"that wasn't aimed at me" she giggled before returning back to her cooking, where pierre had joined her now. They all continued eating their breakfast, happily talking amongst themselves.

Ben and Mason had got up to join Charles and Carlos outside. they had stopped for a while so they could all go swimming. Pierre and Max decided to follow them soon after. The girls had gone out to sunbathe, leaving Sofia to finish her breakfast. She saw a shadow of someone sit down next to her.
she looked up with a mouth full of pancake. she quickly swallowed it.
"hey lan"
he smiled at her.
"sleep well?"
"yeah you?"
"i slept amazing"
she giggled and stood up to wash her plate. He followed her, standing behind her as she was at the sink, and wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed the top of her head and she turned around.
"someone's in a good mood this morning" she commented
"can i let you in on a little secret?" he asked
"go on"
"the reason i'm in a good mood is because i kissed this really pretty girl last night"
"ooo really tell me more" she said, lifting herself up to sit on the counter.
"well she had my hoodie on and i was too scared to do anything, but she made the move"
"no way, she must have huge cajones"
"ok you ruined it"
"i can't help it. i'm Carlos' sister!!"
"is this the sister that's off limits?"
"she's not anymore"
he moved forwards inbetween her legs to get close to her and kissed her. She kissed him back before she heard a cough in the background. She looked to see her brother stood at the door with wet hair.
"When you two are done getting it on on the kitchen counter, we are all swimming if you care to join us."
"yeah we will be out in a minute"
"good. now i need to go bleach my eyes" he said walking out.
Lando and Sofia looked back at each other and laughed. He left her a quick peck on the lips before walking out onto the deck. She sat there for a moment trying to take in what just happened. She had kissed Lando....again! Her brothers best friend. She was so dead.
The whole group had spent most of the day together swimming and sunbathing and singing and just letting loose. It wasn't often that they got to do that, as they all had high profile jobs with expectations to keep, but in the middle of the ocean, who could judge them?  Sofia had put a pair of shorts on over her bikini and was sat with her legs dangling over the side of the boat as they were still travelling towards greece. Lando came to join her. He didn't say anything but saw she was hugging herself to keep the warmth on her body. He was wearing a pale blue hoodie that he took off. He nudged her to get her attention and offered it, still without saying a word. She took it and put it over her head, smiling, which made him smile.
"thanks lan" she said shuffling closer and leaning her head on his shoulder
"anything for you"
"lan that's so cringe"
"shush i was trying to be nice"
they both giggled. They sat like that for a while before getting up. Lando went to get a drink and Sof went up a deck to see Carlos, Ben and Mason.


liked by benchilwell, pierregasly and 104,629 otherscarlossainz55: greece incoming🇬🇷tagged: @masonmount @benchilwell @sofiasainz9

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liked by benchilwell, pierregasly and 104,629 others
carlossainz55: greece incoming🇬🇷
tagged: @masonmount @benchilwell @sofiasainz9

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sofiasainz9: greece don't know what's about to hit it!!

masonmount: incomingggg🇬🇷👀

benchilwell: who's hoodie is that sof?
     >sofiasainz9: @benchilwell stfu

user279: Ben means Charles right?
     >user47: @user273 he must do

They arrived in Greece and all decided to go for a sunset walk along the beach. Daniel, George, Ben, Carlos and Alex decided to paddle in the sea, while Charles, Alexandra, Pierre, Kika, Mason and Max all decided to make sandcastles, like the children they are. Heidi, Ria, Lily and Carmen were all sat on towels watching the boys try to dunk each other in the sea. Sofia was sat just away from everyone. Her mind was too crowded for any of this.
"You ok?"
It was of course Lando. He took a seat in the same next to her.
"yeah just tired that's all"
She gave him a weak smile.
"i like you"
"i like you a lot."
"i'm a charm what can i say"
He raised an eyebrow to her.
"you know what i'm trying to say Sof."
she smiled to him.
"i feel the same way Lan"
He paused for a second.
"do you maybe wanna see where this goes? no labels or anything cause it's totally new?"
She paused for a moment, thinking about the PR relationship with Charles. He hadn't tried anything. He kept telling her how he had to keep letting alexandra down and friend zoning her because he couldn't handle a relationship on top of trying to handle the fake one, and turns out sof felt completely the same.
She looked Lando in the eyes, he looked hopeful at her.
"I cant"

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