~the man~

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Charles and Sofia made their way into the club together, paparazzi clicking their cameras at them as they walked in. They went up to a vip section where there were a few booths. Sofias chelsea teammates all called her over and she excused herself. Charles went over to the boys.
Lando didn't realise it but he was staring at Sofia.
"Watch out lando, your catching flies" daniel says as lando snaps out of it and closes his mouth, which had been ever so slightly open.
"She wore the orange for you" Charles said winking at him
"ha ha very funny" lando replied, wishing this was true.
Carlos laughed.
"She scrubs up well doesn't she" Charles then said. "and she's my girlfriend" he said, using air quotes around the word girlfriend. "how lucky am i"
This comment sent a fit of laughter around the table as Sofia came back over.
"what's so funny?" she asked
"nothing" they all replies at once.
"ooookayyyy then" she said

Sofia spent a few hours celebrating with the girls on her team until they all either went off to do their own thing or went to party with their other friends. She was sat at the table with the boys when Charles offered her his hand.
"care to join me on the dance floor girlfriend" he said exaggerating the word girlfriend
"i would love to boyfriend" she said, doing the same thing on the word boyfriend.
They both giggled and went off to have some fun. Even though Lando knew there were no feelings there, he couldn't help but feel jealous at the sight of Charles and Sofia dancing together. Ben came over and stood next to him.
"Bro just go and join them. You know Charles won't mind. Infact he will probably just leave you two alone"
"why would i wanna be alone with her?"
"Lando you really don't hide it well. You like her"
"I'm being genuine Ben, i don't think i do. I mean sure she's talented, pretty, smart, funny and so much more but-"
"i'm gonna cut you off and just tell you to go down there" ben said as he smirked. And with that he walked away.

Lando eventually decided to go down to the dance floor. Sofia turned around and wrapped her arms round him.
"Hey Lan" she shouted over the music
Charles winked at lando and left without saying another word.

Lando and Sof danced for a while. He knew he couldn't dance too close with her as if any press was released it would be a disaster. Suddenly, a guy came up behind Sofia and wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing his body against her and whispering in her ear, "let's get out of here gorgeous, yeah?"
Sofia was tough but she felt trapped. Lando pushed the guy off her and shouted at him. "lay another finger on her, i dare you"
Lando was angry and Sofia could tell, but she was too stunned by what just happened to even process her surrounding. Carlos clearly saw what happened as he ran over and stood in front of her protectively, closely followed by Charles, Ben, Mason and Daniel. All these boys really cared for her, and she couldn't be luckier. They all threatened the guy until he left, and they all walked with Sofia back to their VIP table.

As she sat down, Charles sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She looked up, her eyes slightly glazed.
"i hate being a woman"
It was Daniel who spoke next. "it's not your fault. some men are awful and think just because a woman is wearing a short dress that he can do whatever he wants"
"but why shouldn't i be able to go out in a short dress and feel good about myself without having to look over my shoulder in fear every two minutes"
The boys all stayed silent.
Lando spoke up. "you should still go out there and have fun. and don't worry, don't stress cause we are all here for you. go out there and feel good about yourself, you should do. you look fucking amazing tonight. i mean, you always do but.....i'm gonna stop talking now"
The boys all shared knowing looks but sofia didn't clock on, She just gave Lando a hug.

The music changed and "the man" by Taylor Swift came on. The timing was pretty good i guess.
"oh my god i love this song, dance with me" She said as she pulled away from Lando and grabbed his hand, rushing back off to the dance floor. He was so shocked that she had taken him and not Charles but he wasn't complaining. Her confidence had come back as she started to dance. He twirled her around as she was singing her lungs out.
"Can i get on your shoulders?" she shouted over the music.
He didn't respond and just picked her up. They had fun like that for about 10 minutes before the other boys joined them. She felt safe around them and truly at home.
sofiasainz9 via stories

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